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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Your voice

I cling
to the fading sound
of your voice
with a tenacious grip
of my perception.

I sway
to its vibrations
through the luscious forest
of my thoughts,
dwelling in
voluptuous emotions.

I inhale the purity
of this love tune,
dripping dew
on newly sprouted
morning flowers.

Your sound,
magnetic and primordial,
beckons me to relax
and fall into you
in full trust
and abandon.

Bare to the soul,
I wrap myself
into the liana
of your charm
and take a leap
onto new horizons.

And there upon
the edge of life’s
your voice lingers
in ardent whispers,
inviting me
to dance along.


I’m open to love,  my heart invites you to dance,  come share my delight

senryu by Margherita

Original Post

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Dear Vicky, thank you so much. I am surprised that you are working. It's the time to stay with your little babygirl, but then I understand it's just for a few days. Here in Italy Mothers can stay at home for three months after having a baby and then for a whole year they work part time (- 2 hours), which allows them to continue to breast feed the baby, if they choose so.
It is a wonderful time to experience.
I am so happy for you. Now make up your minds for the name! Try to pronounce your favorite ones aloud and see what emotions they induce ...

Love and hugs.
Margherita 2Hearts

ps the voice of babies is filled with such tenderness, it never disturbs me when they cry, it's a beautiful sound, they call for Mommy ...
Originally posted by dear Margherita:
...I inhale the purity
of this love tune,
dripping dew
on newly sprouted
morning flowers.

Your sound,
magnetic and primordial,
beckons me to relax
and fall into you
in full trust
and abandon.

Bare to the soul,
I wrap myself
into the liana
of your charm
and take a leap
onto new horizons.

SUCH new horizons!

So Beeeeautiful dearestestest dpm (Dancing Pearly Margherita)!!! Clap Clap

Thank you ever so, for sharing YOUR VOICE!

Kiss Book Idea Colors

LOVE AND *LIGHT* *BEINGS* Teom Wave2 CoolDance Angel Love2 Cloud9 Cloud9

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

Wow, my dear beautiful friends, thank you all for the wonderful replies and pictures.

Welcome back, dear Inda! I hope you had a great time in Hawaii, how could it be any different. I have also been away for a week's visit to my daughter and grandsons and now I am recovering from a rather bad flu that tormented me the whole current week. Ouuchh, the full energy isn't back yet, but I am improving.

Safe hugs from a distance! Hope you are all fine!

Margherita 2Hearts

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