So beautiful dear Staranza Kiliwia Sylvie!

Thank you for the beautiful WORDs!
Originally posted by dear Margherita:
... as Teo seems worried about the volume already used up for our attachments. (So sad, I love to search for and post pictures!)
And I loooove for you (all) to too! We have such a heavenly collection already! We are "over," and the only problem so far is I can't set up my email - I will see what the monthly billing does, so many sites give you free GB gigabytes, we only get 250 MB megabytes with InfoPop hosting

a year or so ago it even stopped accepting attachments.. this year.. the gods - or cops are being nice to us!
Of course linked images are fine...
Thank you again dearestest Sylvie, encore! Author!
Love and
*LIGHT* *BEING*, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, Soul....)