the disk moon
the disk frozen lake
reflecting each other
HASHIMOTO Takako (1899-1963)
kogarashi no hate wa arikeri umi no oto
bitter winter wind
ends there --
sound of the sea
IKENISHI Gonsui (1650-1722)
ten mo chi mo nashi tada yuki no furishikiru
no sky
no land -- just
snow falling
KAJIWARA Hashin (1864-?)
hajimete no yuki yami ni furi yami ni yamu
first snow --
begins in the darkness
ends in the darkness
NOZAWA Setsuko (1920-1995)
kogarashi no ima ya fukutomo chiru ha nashi
bitter winter wind --
blowing now
yet no leaves to drop
NATSUME Sôseki (1867-1916)
fuyunami wa sono kage no e ni kutsugaeru
winter waves
break and turn over
their own shadow
TOMINAGA Fûsei (1885-1970)