I learned from the Deepak Chopra discussions long ago a method of "getting what you want."
Really focus on what is desired, and spell it out very clearly so that the spirit universe really knows your intention.
Word it so that there are no questions about it, and it doesn't impede other people's fulfilling their desires. Then share the intention, as in a prayer on these boards, and then release it.
Once you have clearly stated the intention, you can release any more "trying" and "effort," knowing that the universe has a good understanding of your intention.
When releasing it, have complete faith that the universe will match the intention and the means to achieve it. If you truly have the intent, the mechanics of it's fulfillment is in there too. By relaxing about it coming to you, and knowing with certainty that it will arrive eventually, you take any tension and frustration out of the process, and then when you are acting in the knowing that it will come you find that:
What you want,
wants you too.
The only other suggestion is this: be careful what you wish for, you just might get it! he he.. Well this is why you so clearly define the goal in the first place.
Balance and fulfillment to all, Teo

You can't force peace, only show it.