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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
OK, I was on an airoplane on the day this was posted! I'm feeling guilty to MYSELF that I haven't seen this post until now..

SnickerMars, I am soooo pleased you shared this Egyptian numbering!!! THIS IS GIVNOLOGY!!! Wow. Great stuff! Meanwhile, just to boff you JUST A LITTLE BIT.. he he..

The Eye first posted was reversed from what you are describing? The cool eye in a circle you showed first doesn't have the 1/16 1/4 1/2 you later mention??? Is the eye that is numbers for the higher priests like you? he he..

I would - will - love hearing what you think of Wallace Budge's heiroglyphic translations.. TRULY!! Here are some funny heiros for numerals, I like the 10.. he he.. no wonder people didn't respect them! Full frontal nudity in their numerals!!! 10 oclock, don't look!!! he he..

These images are links to the bigger images. All from Egyptian Language by Wallace Budge around 1899. I so often wonder who has good or true translations of heiroglyphics.. I read book after book and they simply contradict each other, and soom seem to have opinions instead of translations... aaa!!!

My feeling is that the Egyptians were so so so smart, so wise and intuitive, that we haven't a clue what they were saying because we don't have their transcendant wisdom. ?? Comments?

Also after hours of looking at keys and texts I feel that.. in the old days when I would take acid or psychadelic mushrooms I might get closer to understanding heiroglyphics, but jeez, in this society taking those psychrotropic substances isn't really healthy.. dang!!!

I continually go with Budge's keys and try to analyze heiroglyphics, if anyone has suggestions please help!! TANX!!!

Wisdom and transcendant awareness to all, Teo
Last edited {1}

"Many feel, a few think, and fewer still there are who can express their thoughts.

The great poets who gave us beautiful teachings in moral, in truth, where
did they get them from? 

This life here is the school in which they 
learned, this life is the stage on which they saw and gathered. 

They are the worshippers of beauty in nature and in art. In all conditions of life they meditate upon beauty and find good points in all those they see. 

They gather all that is beautiful, from the good and the wicked both. Just like the bee
takes the best from every flower and makes honey from it, so they gather all
that is beautiful and express it through their imagination in the form of music, poetry and art, as well as in their thoughts and deeds in everyday life". 

Hazrath Inayat Khan


Thank you again Brach for sharing the wisdom.

Last edited by Inda

Thank you again Bracha. We miss you.

"Many feel, a few think, and fewer still there are who can express their thoughts.

The great poets who gave us beautiful teachings in moral, in truth, where
did they get them from?

This life here is the school in which they
learned, this life is the stage on which they saw and gathered.

They are the worshippers of beauty in nature and in art. In all conditions of life they meditate upon beauty and find good points in all those they see.

They gather all that is beautiful, from the good and the wicked both. Just like the bee
takes the best from every flower and makes honey from it, so they gather all
that is beautiful and express it through their imagination in the form of music, poetry and art, as well as in their thoughts and deeds in everyday life".

Hazrath Inayat Khan

Last edited by Vicky2

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