You know I am into the "seven chakras" and have coordinated that with music and other systems. Gurdjieff reminded me that there is also a system of a sacred three, we can look at this three many various ways, basically the first is "+," the second is "-," the third can be looked at a few ways, either "±," or possibly "=."
There is an interesting parallel to the Hindu trinity: Brahma the creator (+), Vishnu the preserver (resolving), and Shiva the destroyer (-).
It can also in a way be thought of as future, present, past, or even above, level, below. Here is Gurdjieff's story of Beelzebub telling his grandson about the sacred law of three:
A new arising from the previously arisen through the "harnel-miatznel," the process of which is actualized this: the higher blends with the lower in order together to actualize the middle, and thus to become either higher for the preceding lower or lower for the succeeding higher.
As I have already told you, this sacred Triamazikamno consists of three independent forces, which are called:
the first, 'surp-otheos'
the second, 'surp-skiros'
the third, 'surp-athanotos'
Objective Science calls these three holy forces of the sacred Triamazikamno by the following names:
the first, the "affirming force" or the "pushing force" or simply the "force plus"
the second, the "denying force" or the "resisting force" or simply the "force minus"
the third, the "reconciling force" or the "equilibrating force" or the "neutralizing force."
At this place in my explanations concerning the fundamental laws of "world-creation" and "world-maintenance," it is interesting to note, by the way, that the three-brained beings of this planet that has taken your fancy, during the period before the consequences of the properties of the organ kundabuffer had been crystallized in their common presence, began to be aware of these three holy forces of the sacred Triamazikamno, which they named:
the first, "God the Father"
the second, "God the Son" and
the third, "God the Holy Ghost."
In various circumstances they expressed the hidden meaning of these forces and their longing to receive from them a beneficent effect for their own individuality by the following prayers:
Sources of divine
rejoicings, revolts, and sufferings,
direct your actions upon us.
Holy Affirming,
Holy Denying,
Holy Reconciling,
transubstantiate in me
for my being.
Holy God,
Holy the Firm,
Holy the Immortal,
have mercy on us.
I feel we are talking about Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, which I have tried giving musical chords to: Brahma major 7, lydian scale; Vishnu minor or dominant, dorian or mixolydian scale; Shiva diminished or minor, some strong minor, perhaps the melodic minor phrygean type.
I also am working on saying the name of each chakra (la-va-ra-ya-ha-om-m) and with a different tone for each of the 3, Brahma like lo-vo-ro-yo-ho-om-m, Vishnu the standard way, and Shiva like le-ve-re-ye-he-em-m.
Thank you Brahma, it is a blessing knowing you.
Thank you Vishnu, for preserving me and mine, and what I do.
Thank you Shiva, for destroying enemies.
Blessed and joyful sacred law of three to all, Teo

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