We all arrive at certain solutions eventually. We then re-think many of our attitudes and come up with fresh ideas and attitudes about things. Recycling is a good example. 'Drive a ways' (where someone drives another persons car a long distance for them) is another.
Here resources are made available, they are actually CREATED by this process. Another example is the new move towards 'alternative medicine.' New organs of civilization result from the 'ever changing world.' As we come to the realization that CHANGE is natural, and that SMOOTH CHANGE is the resting place of REAL solutions, we openly listen to each other's ideas - new and old, scientific and superstition, serious and silly, and so on. An example of a 'new' idea is residential farming and fabric making. This could facilitate a cultural craft, and 'job' and products.
Third Millennium Thinking promotes ideas proposed as positive solutions. For example, we take an issue like police brutality, and rather than describing the existing problem and it's roots (which is very important but not our focus), we describe the society to be where 'police with weapons' are not necessary, and we discuss the advantages of that type of system and create viable models that help the transformation occur smoothly (therefore, permanently).
The future society, assuming there is one, will benefit from the many cultures around, as we learn to respect cultures, and to listen to the issues of that group. We can only ask for assistance if we are assisting those people in their needs. This is a key of our 'new' thinking. Respect for diversity gives us the benefits of our diversity. When we allow people in a group, sex, 'race', preference, age, religion, to define themselves in their group, that is fine - even wonderful. It is when groups define other groups with contempt that problems happen. Example: A white person can go into a 'black' social event and have no reason to fear anything, IF THEY RESPECT THE NEEDS OF THOSE PEOPLE. If he or she is willing to hear that side and not take generalizations personally, then their participation should be fine. When the person gets defensive and complains about the tactics used or the generalizations that the 'blacks' make, then the person should leave.
So we paint the brightest pictures possible here at TMT headquarters, and we are confident that with the love and respect that we send out, we will be taken appropriately, and the benefits we seek to unveil will show themselves in fine fashion, timely, respectfully, and in the grace of God, or the Goddess, or Luck if you like.
All systems are valid, just as all the people who believe in something make it real. It is highly recommended that interested parties study systems of enlightenment, healing, co-existing, loving, empowering, and so on. Aspirants should pay special attention to small details like the FEELING that you get when learning something or trying something out.
It is not just what is said or learned, it is what is understood. Deep truths are personal experiences, which are much more fun to communicate to others - although they are more fragile. Third Millennium Thinking is opening up to a higher inner self in you, and listening for that higher inner self in others.
This is a 'zine I put together over a decade ago, still rather timely eh? The link above is a very out-of-date archive so the emails and some stuff doesn't work, but the magazine is there, as graphics. Also a great "30 minutes to enlightenment" about Zen! You'll recognize many of my puns and phrases, and if you read the magazine you'll see I've been saying the same stuff all along, "Unidiversity" or "Third Millennium Thinking" or "Tradigital" or "Synthegration" or "Karma Wash" or Givnology!
I hope you enjoy this writing, and let me know how you like the magazine linked.
Love and light being, Teo
Original Post