Glaive in the hand
Hurried footsteps upon the lesser road
For light, a dim reflection
Upon the silver blade
Coming from a distant moon
I descended...
Into the caves of darkness.
For the way of flight
No longer was an acceptable answer.
Lead by a rush of despair and anger
I let out a scream.
A fight arose against demons
That proved to be none but my own.
Energies thrown out with a powerless force.
Then the fall of a silence...
And for remains...
Only loss and weariness.
I rose up
Once more.
Walked away,
Only the survive
A little more.
Beneath my feet
The Earth shivered.
Suddenly, arising from the depths...
Lied the grander road.
Leaving the glaive behind
With nothing but my sheer desire
And my fearful heart
I walked to the caves
And descended again.
With eyes and arms opened
I stayed amidst the demons
And breathed with them.
In a instant less than a blink can hold
The miracle...
The grips of resistance fading away
In a mist of Acceptance
Showering over my whole Being!
I walked ...finally living.