From Brian Oblivion in the movie Videodrome
[qb]The battle for the mind of north america will be fought in the video arena, the video drome.
The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye.
Therefore the television screen is part of the physical sturcture of the brain,
therefore whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it,
therefore television is reality, and reality is less than television.[/qb]
One of my favorite movies, so funny how the video signal makes them start hallucinating!!! he he..
His logic is scary in it's truth! May our video screens see happy joyful thinks! he he..
Love life and light, Teo
Teo Barry Vincent IV Composer Performer Sound-Designer & Information Systems Support
Writings: Third Millennium Thinking, Lyrics (PDF file)
Forums: Givnology (by Teo), Unkle Bobs, IAM-Simple, CuteFamilyPets, PagenPoet, NewsForNow, Infopop, Teodor's index @ Deepak Chopras
WellBeingCreativity poems+music+images
"When we appreciate our diversity, we have abundance!"