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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
This moment holds the promise of all that we will
ever need or desire. There is no future event that
will bring us to enlightenment. We are enlightened.
We are light. Only waiting for the folds of time to
part…revealing the essence of our true nature.

We spend a large part of our lives seeking. When we
are not seeking…we grasp. Our life’s energy is limited
towards specific outcomes, material goals and possessions.
This is not to imply that having the finer things in life is not a
worthy ambition. We deserve what we feel we deserve.
Yet soon…even the most worthy of goals and achievements
where thin. We wish for more. And having attained a measure
of more…. we wish to hold the unholdable. And so our energies

No moment holds more promise for awakening than the moment when
two lovers meet in sexual delight. No moment holds greater potential
for futile seeking and grasping as well. Men strive hard towards orgasm.
Women wish to hold a fleeting moment to their hearts. Both are left
unfulfilled and frustrated. Making love is more than a metaphor for
life. It is the method we use for a life of fulfillment or a life lacking depth and
true substance. As in all things…the choice is ours.

We cannot push or strive towards orgasm. Every moment is already
orgasmic. We relax into orgasm. Our breath carries us towards a merging
of energies and spirit. As the breath goes…so goes our energy. If it is rushed
and held captive, high within the chest, our energy, our love, remains blocked.
And with no avenue of escape…both breath and energy explode in an outward
expression of our frustration. Some men call this an orgasm. For women it often
remains hidden in layers of resentment, fear and unfulfilled sexual cravings.

When we ride the ecstatic waves of bliss the breath becomes our life raft
in an ever changing sea of energy and sexuality. The breath tells us everything.
Is it fluid and even…flowing deep, past the bellies and into the root of our sexual
essence? Do we exhale the freshness of our soul to the world? Every breath is a
story of the moment. What stories do we tell?

We cannot chase the breath. We cannot grasp and hold the breath for any length
of time. That’s the lesson. Be the breath. Pull it in deep through the nose, riding
it down into the deepest part of the belly. Feel the natural pause…this is Gods
space…the silence caught in momentary wonder. Exhale. Feel the air…charged
with the giving energy of life and renewal…pass through our natural energetic
centers. Imagine the magic of this air coursing through the bodies of our lovers.
Visualize this golden breath of light touching their heart center. Picture taking
the essence of their breath deeply within ourselves. This is making love.
This is love. There is no mad rush to gain or acquire a new breath.
We know it will soon arrive. This can be our story.

By opening as the breath of sexuality, we tap into the larger, creative
breath of the universe. We are breathed. Sufi poet Rumi tells us that “the
breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.” As the breath of life…we will
hear these secrets. We will know these secrets.

We can have these moments of charged breathing at anytime.
With anyone we wish. We can make love with the stranger at the
bus stop, or the waitress at our favorite restaurant. This is done
quietly in the purity of our hearts. Simply send the charged breath
as an offering of love to their deepest self…a gift from your own
deepest self. Accept the next breath as a gift in return.

And so we make love with and to the world. The breath tells
our story. And so it goes on.

Original Post

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Dear Eric,
Thank you for this lesson in love.

When you are in a deep and sacred state with your lover, all boundaries will melt away;
you breathe the breath of the Universe.

From "The Path to Love"
by: Dr. Deepak Chopra

Such is the promise of intimacy that it can deliver us into a place where experience of the spirit is genuine and undeniable

Love, Inda
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My what good breath you have! he he..

This is incredible Eric! Visualizing the light going into the lover's heart, wow this is real Kundalini Tantra at it's finest!

And how this is a metaphor for life.. I especially liked the instructions for bringing it in the nose, down to deep in the belly, feeling it's healing energy... ener-CHI eh? he he..

Thanks for this great wisdom - and love that you share! Quantum love to you and yours (and good breath.. he he), Teo Wink

You can't force peace, only show it.
First of all: I have finally discovered "Printing friendly format" under "TOOLS". I thought my cartridge was finished and changed it! And only when the results again were "nothing", it dawned on me that I was missing something ... maybe it has happened to others, that's why I share this (of course I could be the lonely "fool"!!haha).

Now to your "promise of this moment" dear Eric: your words hold so many beautiful discoveries that I will need some time to "absorb" them. But while reading I am aware of a sort of "remote echoes" of answers I contain, without being able to fully profit from them. We are light! And this light holds all we need to bloom in this life? Probably most of the time we obscure this light with our constant worries and doubts, our feeling of being impotent with regard to our life's events.
When I raise my energy as it happens during meditation I reach sometimes such a peak of sensations, that I am tempted to call it spiritual orgasm. And fleeting as it may be, the memory is strong. Still, my little self seeks satisfactions of material origin in the hope to fill momentary lack of "higher awareness". I am really deeply impressed by the extreme importance of our breath ..... I know, but your explanations tell me that this is something that I will have to improve through daily exercise.

The promise of this moment is so precious. As are your words. I feel as if I was sitting at your feet, listening in wonder, opening my heart and my mind to receive your wisdom. "Upanishad"!

You know dear Eric you have a wonderful way to communicate! I treasure your words and will read them again and again, until the seeds I carry within, will begin to stir ... wanting to grow and to bloom, wanting to make love with and to the world. Wow!

I love you, Master of Love!

"Relax into Orgasm?"

Way cool, how did I miss this simple truth?

I also agree with the post that Inda made...

When you are in a deep and sacred state with your lover, all boundaries will melt away;
you breathe the breath of the Universe.

I have over come so many boudaries in the deep embrace of a genuine, loving embrace of my love.

Way cool again.


Snick Smile

The mind is like a parachute, it only functions when it is open.
Hi Eric,

Hey, have you published any books? I think I have read elsewhere that you have published a book.. I think I read this at chopra's web-site.

The post that you had posted above.. was that yours? or someone elses? If it is yours, you have a really good way of relating ideas in a manner that is both pleasurable to read as well as conducive to stimulating the mind to think in a higher thought process.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Snickreader Smile

The mind is like a parachute, it only functions when it is open.
Hi Snick!
Yep...thats mine.
I am working on a little book of essays on sacred sexuality. Not from the perspective of one who knows...but of one who is learning as he goes.
I have a previous book of essays and 3 poetry books, with another due out in a month or so.
All are available from, or Barnes and Just google my name and the books should come up.
Thanks for asking!

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