Who gives all they have to those who even need it more, and continues joyfully to help others have more and more? This person will surely benifit because others will help them when they need.. and there won't be jealousy and coveting..
If you could have all your family, associates, society, have all they need, no crime, no need, everyone having all they need and want, won't this be soooo much safer and healthier? It totally is possible. Wealth doesn't require that some have poverty. No it doesn't. We can easily ALL have 10-100-1000 times what we currently own monitarily. The point is to make having more be more healthy and safe.
The more prosperous people in the world, the more prosperous we all are! Wish success on others, this will make it available to you too. Truly. Help others make money, you are surely due whatever you wish.
Wealth is: giving others all you can, and others giving it back to you. This is true wealth. Do good for others, it totally will come back to you, just don't worry or think about the return, just set the karma in motion: help others, it WILL come back to you manyfold. Help those around you be richer, wealthier, happier, it will come back in such wonderful ways!
Peace, prosperity, love, joy and laughter to all, Teo

May you find yourself in the world, and may you enjoy the company.