As the rising of a new day unfolded
To these words I awoke...
- If you could only see
The whole of me…
A single instant would suffice
To kiss your fears away.
Of you and of all
I have always been pregnant
For I AM
The eternal
Pure and true constant.
Let me remove the veils
And end the blindness
For you have perhaps
Lost your sight.
Don't fear,
I am simply the darkness
From where arises all light.
My silences...
Just expressions
Of infinity.
My emptiness...
The womb
Of possibility.
Sweet love,
Dance in my presence
Rejoice in my essence.
Open these eyes
And let your tears pray
An ocean of love.
Open these eyes
And see
The whole of you.
I AM the nothingness…
The never ending
True stillness.
Don’t fear
In our holy home
Thee I welcome.