Still drinking my coffee, and enjoying every drop of it.
You have some pretty fancy kinds here; very tempting!
Hey Teo 
This may put me right off my coffee

This may put me right off my coffee

Hi Teo,
Are you trying to tell us that we should not have so much coffee??
I'm just trying to have mine

Are you trying to tell us that we should not have so much coffee??

I'm just trying to have mine


Hey Teo...What's the idea 
I was just beginning to enjoy my cup of coffee.

I was just beginning to enjoy my cup of coffee.

Vegetarians sometimes say "don't eat anything with a face" but those beanies don't have faces!
Inda with all those smilies I bet you had 2 cups! he he..
I had mine this morning, with chocolate ice cream in it!
I like those beanie guys running around, when they get in us, they help US run around! he he..
Enjoy your coffees!
Love n lightness, Teo

Inda with all those smilies I bet you had 2 cups! he he..

I had mine this morning, with chocolate ice cream in it!
I like those beanie guys running around, when they get in us, they help US run around! he he..

Enjoy your coffees!
Love n lightness, Teo

Lets bring back that cup of coffee.
I need one right now.
And I am going to be bad and make it a really rich one
I need one right now.
And I am going to be bad and make it a really rich one

There is more evidence that coffee is good for you. Studies have shown that women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day are less likely to get certain types of breast cancer. The benefits increase if you drink more than two cups a day.
Enjoy your coffee.
I really enjoy it first thing in the morning
Enjoy your coffee.
I really enjoy it first thing in the morning
I heard the same news on the radio this morning.
Let us keep drinking our coffee.
Let us keep drinking our coffee.

Van Gogh
I heard the same news about coffee. I did not grow up with coffee but I have developed quite a taste for it. I enjoy a few cups every day.
Coffee can change the color of enamel of teeth if consume regularly.
Dear Kathleen,
How much coffee do you drink?
Tea discolours your teeth much more.
Vicky has the whitest teeth, and none of us use any damaging tooth bleaching agents.
All of us have 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day, but we do not drink Espresso.
We drink regular strength coffee and most of us use cream.
New studies, as listed in TIME magazine by a cardiologist list the benefits of coffee.
There was also a recent study by Dr. Albert Ascherio, suggesting that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day may prevent depression.
Don't drink coffe in excess, just consume it in a reasonable amount, and you will see absolutely no discolouration of your teeth.
How much coffee do you drink?
Tea discolours your teeth much more.
Vicky has the whitest teeth, and none of us use any damaging tooth bleaching agents.
All of us have 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day, but we do not drink Espresso.
We drink regular strength coffee and most of us use cream.
New studies, as listed in TIME magazine by a cardiologist list the benefits of coffee.
There was also a recent study by Dr. Albert Ascherio, suggesting that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day may prevent depression.
Don't drink coffe in excess, just consume it in a reasonable amount, and you will see absolutely no discolouration of your teeth.
I just read in the 2012 OD Ontario Dentist magazine that consumption of coffee definitely increases your lifespan.
keep on enjoying your coffee.
keep on enjoying your coffee.

From the Mayo Clinic:
Newer studies have also shown that coffee may have benefits, such as protecting against Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes and liver cancer. And it has a high content of antioxidants. But this doesn't mean you should disregard the old maxim "Everything in moderation." Although coffee may not be very harmful, other beverages such as milk and juice contain nutrients that coffee does not. Also, keep in mind that coffee accompaniments such as cream and sugar add fat and calories to your diet. Finally, heavy caffeine use — on the order of four to seven cups of coffee a day — can cause problems such as restlessness, anxiety, irritability and sleeplessness, particularly in susceptible individuals.
Enjoy your coffe in moderation.
Newer studies have also shown that coffee may have benefits, such as protecting against Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes and liver cancer. And it has a high content of antioxidants. But this doesn't mean you should disregard the old maxim "Everything in moderation." Although coffee may not be very harmful, other beverages such as milk and juice contain nutrients that coffee does not. Also, keep in mind that coffee accompaniments such as cream and sugar add fat and calories to your diet. Finally, heavy caffeine use — on the order of four to seven cups of coffee a day — can cause problems such as restlessness, anxiety, irritability and sleeplessness, particularly in susceptible individuals.
Enjoy your coffe in moderation.

Thanks for bringing back this post Vicky.
I do love my coffee and I usually have 2 cups a day, more on the weekend.
I do love my coffee and I usually have 2 cups a day, more on the weekend.

This is funny with the doggy.
I read in the paper today that drinking 3 cups of coffee a day will ward off liver cancer.
Enjoy your coffee for whatever reason, a wake up call, the good taste or whatever enjoyment it gives you.
I read in the paper today that drinking 3 cups of coffee a day will ward off liver cancer.
Enjoy your coffee for whatever reason, a wake up call, the good taste or whatever enjoyment it gives you.

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