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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Trees of every type and shape are beautiful, and very vital for the survival of life on earth.

Lil-purple-pixi has said it so beautifully in her poem:

Posted Thu Oct 06 2005 01:32 PM

Where once tall trees
Shaded the leaves
And birds nested
In ancient oaks
Now tall blocks
Of cold hard stone
Shelter humming machines
Provide shade for
Whirling crisp packets
And hardening gum
Our world is dying
Though its inhabitants live on
Our earth is vanishing
Under concrete and gum
No more will the birds
Feeding their young
Land on branches
Or rustle the leaves
There are no birds
There are no branches
There are no trees

-- Alanna


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  • TREE
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Changing with the Seasons

Trees--especially hardwoods--undergo many changes over the course of the year. These changes are adaptations to meet the tree's needs and in response to the harshness of the climate.

During the winter, the temperature drops and the sun rides low on the horizon. Both the ground and water lie frozen. The broadleaf trees stand bare. The trees don't grow or reproduce. They are dormant.

This post and the next three are from this website


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Last edited by Inda
When fall comes around, fruit ripens and trees start preparing for the arrival of winter. Days grow shorter and the sun loses some of its strength. Leaves can no longer carry out photosynthesis and start to display their festive fall colors. When winter arrives, trees become dormant and the cycle begins again. Life can be pretty tough on a tree! A tree's annual rings reveal the events that have occurred in our environment.


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  • LAKE
And ...

The bare plane trees
by Margherita Rueger

There by the river you live and
in the morning sun you stretched
your bare white arms into the Sky,
as a prayer of glory to our Creator,
full of gratitude for being alive.
I let your Beauty sink within,
longing to come closer to you.

Your breath may suffer from
carelessness and pollution,
but you live on a secret Source.
You live on Universe's Love!
And in the evening I came
entering the largeness of your Soul.
I felt your arms enfolding me.

You trickled harmonious tunes
of Love and Peace into my ears.
I touched your trunk,
painted in pure white,
and your velvet skin.
My eyes I raised to admire the
gorgeous emptiness of your Whole.

Three boughs, as a tribute
to the Holy Trinity, sustaining you.
I dared to reach out for
a hanging branch
and you showed me
your promise of Spring!

I caressed one tiny silky bud
and in that very moment
your heart-beat resonated
as a soft thunder deep within.
A joyous trembling due to
recognition pervaded me.
And clearly I felt
that you and I were ONE.

Les platanes by Christine Valin

Love, Margherita 2Hearts
Last edited by Margherita
and ....

Our Tree
by Margherita Rueger

Our tree

Happily I close my eyes
while hugging our tree,
a true friend who shares
the secrets with you and me.

The dry leaves murmur
telling me you are near,
tenderly you embrace me
whispering in my ear.

I turn to you in bliss
Tracing your smile
to seal it with a kiss
while offering you mine.

Our tree is delighted
to witness our love
he lowers his branches
enfolding us from above.

To our hearts he is a home,
and we can be on our own
touched only by the moonlight
we share this wondrous night.

Every glimpse of the moon
is met with a sigh, a joyful tune,
dawn comes as a caressing breeze,
our tree stretches in perfect peace.

Love, Margherita

Who has not lived the experience of shared tenderness under a tree?

Last edited by Margherita
In a Tree House

Will someday split you open
Even if your life is now a cage.

For a divine seed, the crown of destiny,
Is hidden and sown on an ancient, fertile plain
You hold the title to.

Love will surely bust you wide open
Into an unfettered, blooming new galaxy

Even if your mind is now
A spoiled mule.

A life-giving radiance will come,
The Friend's gratuity will come-

O look again within yourself,
For I know you were once the elegant host
To all the marvels in creation.

From a sacret crevice in your body
A bow rises each night
And shoots your soul into God.

Behold the Beautiful Drunk Singing One
From the lunar vantage point of love.

He is conducting the affairs
Of the whole universe

While trowing wild parties
In a tree house-on a limb
In your heart.



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  • treeandbird

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