Complete liberation from the cycle of births and deaths was possible only for those who had stepped outside the cycle of time with its alternating phases of creation and destruction. Liberation involved stepping out of the creatura and entering the pleroma, the realm of the imperishable Brahma.
This is certainly no easy undertaking but Yama, King of the Dead, assures us that it can be done and Yama should know, if anyone does.
quote:Arise! Awake! Having attained your boon now understand it. As a razor's edge is difficult to pass over so it the path to the Higher Self difficult to tread. That Higher Self is not born and does not die: it sprang from nothing, nothing sprang from it. Unborn, eternal, everlasting, ancient, THAT is not killed when the body is killed. If the slayer thinks he slays, if the slain thinks he is slain, both are deceived. THAT slays not nor is it slain.
Smaller than small, greater than great, in the hearts of all creatures THAT is hidden. Sitting down it goes far, lying still it goes everywhere; it is bodiless amid bodies, changeless amid changes. How shall an ordinary man understand THAT to whom both priest and warrior are as food and death a condiment?
-Self Completion, Robert S. de Ropp, page 22-23
The Hindu (Indian) triad is Brahma=creation, Vishnu=preserver, Shiva=destroyer. A friend once told me the name Abraham is "A Brahman" and Moses is "Om says," Krishna does sound like Christ hum?
The way I translate this cosmicological mumbo-jumbo is to basically step back (or up) and look at the bigger picture. Back off from taking something personally, back off from "your people" being oppressed by "them." Back off from fussing about what nature hasn't given "us." See the play of things from the bigger picture, higher viewpoint, and more calmly watch events without getting "stuck" is some lower material matter. Mind over matter, if you don't mind it don't matter! Just my two cents.
Love and light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, Soul...)