Soul sigh shower
As above so below
truth embraces me.
Immersed in azure waters
I float under a silvery sky.
Raindrops fall upon my face
in quiet reviving rhythm.
My mind drifts into receptivity
and records the mesmerizing
cosmic heartbeat resounding
across me into infinity.
Soft waves like invisible hands
caress every inch of my skin.
Like tiny kisses from eternity
the raindrops gently knock
on the windows of my spirit.
As if by teletransportation
through the rising mist
I reach the land of revelation.
Centered and in harmony
with all that surrounds me,
I open my inner eyes
to far away shores of light.
Wrapped in ribbons of peace,
I have found my way back
into the ever reassuring
loving womb of Universe.
Living waters have plunged me
into the creative space
between above and below.
In awe I fluctuate
between parallel worlds
traversing me,
in my wholeness,
in my spirit and my flesh.
And I sigh and kiss
the showering skies
as if baptized anew
by a host of Angels
in the name of eternal Love,
the one power ruling all life.
As above so below
truth embraces me.