Well this time, after feeding them some old bread, the geese, pigeons, seagulls, all fighting for some crumbs, but fun!
On the way back -- I spotted some actual ducks, not geese, going across a busy intersection! With little ducklets, squeaking and all.. Why would a duck take the babies across this street? They were at the island in the street. I walked down the island toward them. Shoot, maybe scare them back across at the right time eh?
So as I get closer, some of them are in the street, at the curb, while cars are passing, musta been scary! Well, there is a storm drain there with a grid over it, I literally saw one just fall through the grid!
So sad. Head low, walked home, hey! Call! 0613pm 622 it was - is dad. Telling him about boards.. telling me a cousin met a fling over internet..
I called 911, they took my info, and even # if they can't find it. May they find them and they get back to mommy and daddy duck.
Love life n light, Teo

Captain 7 Sees on the good ship Bun Ease! Love life n light!