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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Today is Sunday, so I'm going to be a bit lazy.
I'll fiddle with my plants, trim them, feed them and just simply enjoy looking at them.

Everyone should keep some plants, either on a window sill, a balcony or a garden. It is restful and soothing to work with plants.
Always keep some flowers in your home and if possible at your workplace. One single flower will do. If you haven't got a vase, a colorful or interestingly shaped pop bottle will do.


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I need plants and flowers in the office. At my desk I am practically embraced by a wonderful immense Kentia palmae like this one (mine is bigger!). People coming in sometimes find that I am working in the jungle! haha. I have some smaller plants too. And yes you guessed it, I talk to my plants.
Wonderful silent presences!
Love, Margherita Smile
Thank you for sharing Margherita,
What a love filled poster.

I also have many paintings and prints as well as photographs on my walls at home and in the office, and we always have flowers in the office.
We also have devoted one wall in our private sitting area for poetry, most of Eric's poems are hanging there as well as some of yours and Tim Cannon's.

Love, Inda

I don't own the original Monet...hahaha,
just the print


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My goodness, this exercise has been so tough.
Time to take it easy for a bit.

If you have a chance to get to salty ocean water this is very relaxing to the nervous system. It is good for your skin, and it enhances sleep. After all those gruelling exercises I think that we need a bit of this:


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Sauna is considered a very healthy treatment ... you must know it dear Lilie .... but right now here we are in a permanent sauna, without any possibility to run in the snow afterwards, without any refrigerium ..... I think I am dissolving.
No possibility at all to do whatever exercises in this heat. Every movement seems too much .... no energy is left. I only dream of rain to cool the air ....

Longing for raindrops ...

Love, Margherita

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