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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
What a beautiful picture, Karima. When we are here for each other, then we fulfill the commandment of love.

You take delight in beauty which reflects you. You have mentioned beautiful loving eyes ... this is soul touching, soul communication .... wow, this reminds me of a poem by Tim "Soul touching". Must see if I can find it.

Be fine, my friend!
I love you. Margherita
Found it on chopra: Tim Cannon's poem

"Soul touching"

Yet absent of form,
Your presence,
It illuminates,
As an aura,
Images a flame,
It surrounds,
And enters my heart.
Soul touching,
Each other,
To one another,
Our spirits,
Ascend in eternity,
As a fragrant essence,
All senses within,
Heaven is this tender love.

Always can we be with another, whether it is our creator, a friend or companion, a loved one that has passed on;
Through soul touching you can feel the presence, just close your eyes…

by: Tim Cannon

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight

senryu by Margherita
Thank you Lilie, Margherita and Tim.
You touch me deeply with your grace and beauty.

Soon I am going to leave the fields of snow
and dip into the waters of a warmer place.

May the Hawaiian Goddess Laka embrace you with love and light.

O Goddess Laka!
O wildwood bouquet, O Laka!
O Laka, queen of the voice!
O Laka, giver of gifts!
O Laka, giver of bounty!
O Laka, giver of all things!

Hawaiian prayer to the Goddess laka


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And in Italy we say: Quando non c'è il gatto, i topi ballano ... exact translation. Today this was not the case ... a busy day back at work, like you dear Lilie ...
but I wish Inda a wonderful time in Hawaii!
Tired now.
Hugging you all and going to sleep ... hmmm DREAM ...

Love, Margherita Smile

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight

senryu by Margherita


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Haiku is a Japanese verse form that relies on brevity and simplicity to convey its message. It is usually three lines of five, seven, and five syllables, and frequently includes natural images or themes. It is believed to have been first written in the seventeenth century and is based on a Zen Buddhist philosophy of simplicity and the idea of perfection that excludes the extraneous.

This is the very brief explanation of haiku on where they run a daily contest of haikus. I participate quite often and I have once won the mousepad with a haiku I submitted (it's a question of luck though, hundreds and hundreds of senryus/haikus are sent everyday, but it's fun!). With the following senryu (they actually call haiku everything, even if to be called a haiku, there must be a seasonal element in the verse - all other compositions are called senryu):

Life flows placidly
we have the choice to be free
to cry or to laugh

Have a beautiful Sunday, dear Karima.
Love and light. Margherita

The light of Dolphins by Jane Nussbaum

To swim in the light
follow the playful dolphins
they show you the way

Just dreaming of swimming and dancing with dolphins, which would be the most fantastic physical and spiritual exercise!

Love, Margherita
ps Yes, Karima, there are specific rules for haiku and senryu, I will find some site for you as soon as possible.
Dear Karima, this water whirling is beautiful .. the light dancing on it. The light will not be swallowed by it. Water whirling reminds me of childhood, when at the lake of Zurich I learned to swim and my mother warned me of these whirls, they take you down in no time. There was one near where we went to bath, but we knew it and never approached that fascinating but dangerous water play.
Yes this picture shows the power!

Catnap ballet photo by Trisha Flynn

Wishing you such intense and glorious peace ... aren't they totally relaxed and immersed in their dreams?!

Sending you much love, Margherita Smile
Dear Margherita, wish my pussy cats would look as relaxed !! Fabulous picture. We are very peaceful at home at the moment as Ollie is back in the vets. He is missed by 2 uprights but I think the furry one of the three of us (Lily) is very happy. Still he is coming home tomorrow, so deep breaths and off we go again. Sue. Cat2 Cat2
Well, dear Lilie, none of us I think is ALWAYS nice ... we are in need of balance surely, sometimes we are soaring high and able to love as we are meant to and sometimes we are in a low mood and then we cause others to escape ...

Anyway, I think, isn't it time to welcome back our dearest Inda?

In case, I will now look for a bunch of flowers ... well she may have had the flowers around her neck in Hawaii .... we might add the warmth of a hug to say we missed her and we are happy that she is about to materialise here again!

Love and light, dear Lilie.

for Inda ... may the Angels protect you on your way home

Marc Chagall - Der Blumenstrauss der den Himmel erleuchtet ... fuer Inda
Dear Friends,
I am home and couldn't help but come and say 'Hello' to you all tonight Wave2,before i go to sleep.
After a very long flight and two sleepless nights it is actually good to be back on Givnology.

Like Vicky, I feel exercise will not be on my schedule this week CoolDance, but a lot of sleep Snoring.

I am overwhelmed by all your beautiful gifts of flowers and send you a hug and a kiss Ladysman and a lot of Aloha.
There is a beautiful Hawaiian saying:

Aloha exists beyond motives,
desires, or opinions. It is sustained
by love, fortified by compassion,
and it expands in power and beauty
as we give it away to all who come
into our lives.



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Dear Inda, I think you are right with your considerations on sleep. I definitely should sleep more. Might have a nap now ... ronf ronf ronf

Meanwhile I share a senryu I wrote, holding another magical secret to remain young: laughter and fun .... besides LOVE of course!

As long as we laugh,
play and have fun together
our love will be safe

Love, Margherita Smile Animated1
Hello girls! You are such a sweet company and always stimulating. Dear Sue, to play with Zelda, my cat, is actually the only exercise I do regularly! We play with the little balls and she is such a good doorkeeper, haha. I applaud her when she catches a great ball and she is proud. My exercise consists in collecting from the floor all the balls again and again ... When we are tired we relax and she happily purrs. If I stop too soon, she cries heartwrenchingly, so that I HAVE to stay a little longer.

Love and hugs. Margherita Smile tiger


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Sweet ladies, at the moment I can't think of any exercise, it's time to go to sleep and ..... well hopefully I will have my exercises done in the dreams ... I might FLY, oh what intense pleasure that is .... OK in the morning a little stretching in front of the open window!

Joy of freedom by Rassouli

I love this artist!

Love, Margherita Smile

Zelda watched me while doing my stretching in the morning, after all we have learned from the cats! Just a few movements well done already give a good feeling. Of course what is important is that we do it regularly, which means to get up a little bit earlier ..... which means that we should go to bed a little bit earlier ...... ok doing just that now!

I am having a two days managerial course and you know I had difficulty, especially after lunch, to keep my eyes open, even though it was really interesting. Only during the team-exercise I felt my energy growing again.

Good night and sweet dreams.
Love, Margherita Smile
Dear Inda that must have been fun yesterday! hmmmm ...... I must go and reach for a praline myself now husband was so nice and got me some Ferrero Rocher in a heart-shaped box and with a little poem of his!! Useless to say that I appreciated both.

Ok, on Monday, no excuses!
Love, Margherita Smile
Time to relax, after the shopping, carrying those heavy bags is also an exercise!

Dear Lilie,
I have been very lazy as well, not to mention Sue Cat2.Margherita at least has been walking.

I am afraid Vicky said she will get after us tomorrow(Monday) and I think she means it.

To warm myself up for the action I did my yoga this morning.

Good of you to be on a diet. A medical friend once told me that the best way to diet is to eat most healthy foods, but just eat small portions. That seems to work well for me. I do limit my dessert intake during the week.

Here is more love for you to help you keep to the diet


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Wow, dear Inda, thank you for sharing those beautiful Hawaiian sayings!

The world needs the light of love. It needs the peace of it, the blessing of it, and the purifying qualities it possesses.

Lately, I am not very good in dieting ... always beginning on Monday!!!

Today I was in the mood of walking quickly, but my husband said "don't run" ... so I slowed down. When I walk with my daughter, she is the one to run of course and I seem slow to her. That's it, different paces, but at least we all walk.

Walking in silence
nature whispers love to us
and deep peace unfolds

A haiku for you.

With all my love.
Margherita Smile
All right everyone,
Monday is here BBall

I did my yoga and I walked to work- 2km,
and I am walking back home. Even though it is still cold here, it felt like this:
(I am not the one that is trying to sneak back)

[This message was edited by Inda on Monday February 16th, 2004 at 03:05 AM.]


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This is Monday morning here, and I see we have a pretty good start BBall CoolDance

Lunch looks healthy also, and a little bit of bread will do no harm. Just remember to have a nutricious dinner, maybe some fish, vegetables and another salad.You can add a little rice or potatoes, but keep the portions small. Those who are allowed to drink milk, that is also good. I usually sprinkle some nuts on my salad or vegetables. Drink lots of fluids.

Have a nice day. Wave
Hi Girls.
I got enough exercise with my cats this morning, trying to give them their medication and keeping Oliver from eating Lilie's food.

Keep to the diet Karima. I once belonged to "Weightwatchers" and they also recommended smaller portions. This works well for me. At the moment I don't have a weight problem, but my cholesterol level is high, so I need to watch my diet again. Let us keep the goodies for the weekend!

Sue Cat Cat2
Dear Friends,
I kept my promise...did my yoga, walked to work and back, and now I am in the mood to climb up these terraces and be inspired to enjoy the view.

This brings a poem to my mind :

Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance toward the summit keeps the goal in mind,
but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.
Climb slowly, steadily, enjoying each passing moment; and the view from the summit will serve as a fitting climax for the journey.

~ Harold V. Melchert


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Very brave of you Lilie Nut
Are we swimming or rafting Surf

Well ,since we are all so eager, I thought we might attempt something a bit more challenging.
can you see the little mountain goat high up on the right...that's who we are visiting

Hafiz is encouraging us along with this poem:


Out of a great need
We are holding hands
And climbing.
Not loving is letting go.
The terrain around here
Is far too dangerous
For that.


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I see it was definitely worth the climb.
We made it to the top.Good exercise everyone!
Enjoy the view!


I long for you so much
I follow barefoot Your frozen tracks

That are high in the mountains
That I know are years old.

I long for You so much
I have even begun to travel
Where I have never been before.

Hafiz, there is no one in this world
Who is not looking for God.

Everyone is trudging along
With as much dignity, courage
And style

As they possily



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I have just returned from a long and exhausting trip, so I am afraid I will not be exercising.

I am very glad to find you all still here, so I will sip my coffee and enjoy watching the images.
The image of spring is beautiful, Karima. I just returned from France, where it is a lot milder than here, but your picture has the promise of spring.

Hello Ladies Wave2

Guess what, I joined a health club and actually went and took a yoga class there tonight. Didn't get home until 9 PM...hahaha BBall

Now what do you say Vicky Confused
I am planning to go there 3 times a week on top of my walking UFO

Now here is something especially for Lilie,
but actually I will share it with you all


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This will put a rejuvenating song in your hearts

...Chirp of spring to me,
Sparrows from your tree.

Never mind the showers;
Chirp about the flowers
While you build a nest:
Straws from east and west,
Feathers from your breast,
Make the snuggest bowers
In a world of flowers...

From APRIL by: Christina Rossetti


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What a cute doggie, Lilie Smile

Love comes in many forms and shapes
and it is healing for the body and the soul.

...Listen human lovers

When did you last keep a vigil
Beseeching light?

When did you last fast, lose twenty pounds
In hopes of embracing God?

Hafiz will give you the unedited news today:
You will need to outdo all the noble acts
Of dog's love.

`From Dog's Love

[This message was edited by Inda on Friday February 27th, 2004 at 04:13 PM.]


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