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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Dear Inda, I think you are right with your considerations on sleep. I definitely should sleep more. Might have a nap now ... ronf ronf ronf

Meanwhile I share a senryu I wrote, holding another magical secret to remain young: laughter and fun .... besides LOVE of course!

As long as we laugh,
play and have fun together
our love will be safe

Love, Margherita Smile Animated1
Hello girls! You are such a sweet company and always stimulating. Dear Sue, to play with Zelda, my cat, is actually the only exercise I do regularly! We play with the little balls and she is such a good doorkeeper, haha. I applaud her when she catches a great ball and she is proud. My exercise consists in collecting from the floor all the balls again and again ... When we are tired we relax and she happily purrs. If I stop too soon, she cries heartwrenchingly, so that I HAVE to stay a little longer.

Love and hugs. Margherita Smile tiger


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Sweet ladies, at the moment I can't think of any exercise, it's time to go to sleep and ..... well hopefully I will have my exercises done in the dreams ... I might FLY, oh what intense pleasure that is .... OK in the morning a little stretching in front of the open window!

Joy of freedom by Rassouli

I love this artist!

Love, Margherita Smile

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