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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

The light of Dolphins by Jane Nussbaum

To swim in the light
follow the playful dolphins
they show you the way

Just dreaming of swimming and dancing with dolphins, which would be the most fantastic physical and spiritual exercise!

Love, Margherita
ps Yes, Karima, there are specific rules for haiku and senryu, I will find some site for you as soon as possible.
Dear Karima, this water whirling is beautiful .. the light dancing on it. The light will not be swallowed by it. Water whirling reminds me of childhood, when at the lake of Zurich I learned to swim and my mother warned me of these whirls, they take you down in no time. There was one near where we went to bath, but we knew it and never approached that fascinating but dangerous water play.
Yes this picture shows the power!

Catnap ballet photo by Trisha Flynn

Wishing you such intense and glorious peace ... aren't they totally relaxed and immersed in their dreams?!

Sending you much love, Margherita Smile
Dear Margherita, wish my pussy cats would look as relaxed !! Fabulous picture. We are very peaceful at home at the moment as Ollie is back in the vets. He is missed by 2 uprights but I think the furry one of the three of us (Lily) is very happy. Still he is coming home tomorrow, so deep breaths and off we go again. Sue. Cat2 Cat2
Well, dear Lilie, none of us I think is ALWAYS nice ... we are in need of balance surely, sometimes we are soaring high and able to love as we are meant to and sometimes we are in a low mood and then we cause others to escape ...

Anyway, I think, isn't it time to welcome back our dearest Inda?

In case, I will now look for a bunch of flowers ... well she may have had the flowers around her neck in Hawaii .... we might add the warmth of a hug to say we missed her and we are happy that she is about to materialise here again!

Love and light, dear Lilie.

for Inda ... may the Angels protect you on your way home

Marc Chagall - Der Blumenstrauss der den Himmel erleuchtet ... fuer Inda
Dear Friends,
I am home and couldn't help but come and say 'Hello' to you all tonight Wave2,before i go to sleep.
After a very long flight and two sleepless nights it is actually good to be back on Givnology.

Like Vicky, I feel exercise will not be on my schedule this week CoolDance, but a lot of sleep Snoring.

I am overwhelmed by all your beautiful gifts of flowers and send you a hug and a kiss Ladysman and a lot of Aloha.
There is a beautiful Hawaiian saying:

Aloha exists beyond motives,
desires, or opinions. It is sustained
by love, fortified by compassion,
and it expands in power and beauty
as we give it away to all who come
into our lives.



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