Wow, girls that was fun to go through your postings here ... yes Lilie the mountains always wait for me! Sooner or later ...
There was an interesting article I read about aging wisely. For now the genetic limit is set at 120 years, but new scientific research establishes that this limit will be crashed ... they speak of 180 years already!!! This is more frightening actually than encouraging actually ... I am not sure what would happen if we all reached that age!?
Anyway we want to age wisely and here come the ten rules to follow which will guarantee that we shall be in good health even if stepping into older age:
1. Physical activity: at least half an hour of speedy walking per day to have our muscles tonified and to activate circulation of blood. No excessive efforts though!
2. Check up at 40: electrocardiogram, blood analyses, ecocardiogram, mammography for women, checking of prostata for men.
3. Sleep well: not enough sleep will make us weak and suffering, but too much of it increases the risk of heart attacks (I did not know this, but I am rather in the first category ... those who do not sleep enough)
4. Laughing: when we laugh our body fills with oxygen in a quantity four times higher than normal and we reduce the stress hormones.
5. Studying, reading, making memorizing exercises, as learning by heart a song or a poem, keeps the neurons trained.
6. Listen to music of Mozart, Brahms and other relaxing music (for body and mind).
7. Avoid stress, either caused by too much work or no activity at all. Do relaxing exercises.
8. Avoid solitude.
9. Chose a hypocaloric diet (to reach the weight you had at 20-30 years of age), deciding for an alimentation rich in fat Omega 3 (fish, broccoli, olive oil ...) or other antioxidant substances (like vitamin A, C, E, flavonoidi, polifenoli..)
10. No smoking and alcohol. Ok for one glass of wine per meal and not for those who have epatic or gastric problems.
(Sorry girls I just wrote this as it came translating from Italian, hope it is clear!)
It is a fact that certain people age better than others. So we might give this some attention. Of course we know probably quite well what we should do and eat, but we break the rules easily .... well I can speak for myself and of a few people I know! hmmmm btw I just had some fantastic pizza with onions and ham - a Alsacian recipe ... I even made the pasta myself ... it was fun and at least there was the exercise with the arms while "working" it for quite a long time.
... and now after this confession I better go and do some ropeskipping ...
Love you girls.