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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
The biologic and psychologic age varies greatly between individuals of the same chronologic age.
How you see yourself...seeing yourself older or younger...can directly influence the aging process; therefore, it is important that you keep a positive self-image.

The first step in reducing the aging process is to have positive thoughts and peace of mind. Negative emotions will throw the body out of balance.
Start your day with a loving-kindness meditation. Meditation lowers the biologic age.
keep you inner and outer priorities in balance. Life is often filled with many unavoidable stresses; what matters is how we interpret these stresses. Oftentimes we may need to make a few changes in our lives to reduce the stresses.
An example is giving up a favorite TV show in order to make time for Yoga; or one may even have to think of giving up a promotion in order to free up some time to do the thing that we really love to do. Allow your moments of freedom to accumulate; remain in the sacred ,ever present "NOW."

Our actions can damage or heal the body. Non-violent, peaceful and loving thoughts and actions rejuvenate the body. Negative and violent feelings and actions cause breakdown and disease of the body. Avoid violent TV shows.
Instead watch the nature shows, educational programs and the arts. Take out time to listen to peaceful music, and to the sounds of nature: the birdsong, sound of falling water, the sound of the waves, the splatter of raindrops. Look at the beauty that nature has to offere when you go for a walk.
Avoid people who continually drag you down with their negative thoughts.

Keep active. Exerice daily; this brings energy to the body, and keeps muscle tissue from breaking down. Pay attention to your breathing; keep it refined, slow and regular. Do the type of exercise that you enjoy to do, not what someone else likes. Exercise needs to be psychologically and physically beneficial to keep you doing it on a regular basis.

Get enough sleep, preferably seven to eight hours.

Consume alcohol and caffeine in moderation.

Don't smoke.

Eat a healthy diet that is psychologically satisfying and supplies a balanced set of nutrients. Get plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Eat slowly, in moderation, and small portions. Avoid fast foods, if possible.
Drink plenty of fluids (pure water and fresh juices). Listen to your body, it will often tell you what it needs.

Keep mentally and physically active. This will give purpose and meaning to your life. Enjoy and take pride in the work that you do. Keep learning new things, this will keep the brain cells working and healthy.

There are many antiaging products and treatments that your dermatologist can prescribe ,to keep your skin looking youthful. However, I believe that a positive and loving attitude will produce the best result.
Love is the closest thing to the source of life.

Recmmended reading:

Ageless Body,
Timeless Mind.

By: Dr. Deepak Chopra
Yet the timeless in you is aware of life's
and knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow
is today's dream
and that which sings and contemplates in you
is still dwelling
within the bounds of that moment which
scattered the stars into space.
Kahlil Gibran

[This message was edited by Inda on Monday December 1st, 2003 at 05:54 PM.]
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Original Post

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Dear Inda, thank you for sharing this important message. Much wisdom here indeed.
I have long given up TV ... but mainly to dedicate time to the boards, instead of exercise or yoga, meditation etc.... (of course now and then I DO meditate!).
I don't smoke, I don't drink ...... but ...hmmm .... I love chocolate and ice cream!! ..... and spaghetti too, haha! But thanks to God the mediterranean diet offers much fruit and vegetables too ...
Age? I think rarely of my age ... unless the mirror sends back a funny image of me, which looks quite a bit older than the image of me that I carry within and feel within ...
Miraculous anti-aging fluids do less than the good habit to smile I think.
I could do more to look better probably, but I neglect sleep, as I am so busy sending replies here and elsewhere .... haha ... I always resist until my eyes close .... that's a bad habit I know. But now here it is even too hot to sleep!
One good purpose at the time ... first I'll try to get enough sleep.
Thank you again ...
Love, Margherita Smile

sleeping beauty
Hello girls

Getting close to 50, I really feel the ageing process has taken a grip on me in a serious way.

I don´t look myself in the mirror too often, but can unfortunately don´t resist feeling the increasing stiffness in my body.

My conclusion from this is that I can not longer stay away from exercise, it is no longer a choice...

And what time have I to use? Guess....
Instead I am all over the places...

Time for restriction....can I?



I used to be very elastic ... I began at 4 with gym. One of the things I do not admit easily, is that I can't be as elastic as I used to be ... so it happens that I TRY to do things I did in the past and pay the consequences ... my sacral bone could tell a story!

Well, girls, I DID some exercise yesterday .... hmmmm ... I didn't take the elevator and climbed the stairs ... (how many? well....two stairs!! ...haha!). The only thing in my favour is that I never climb the stairs slowly, I run upstairs ... two are enough therefore ... to leave me out of breath! But you know what? I LOVE IT! I used to climb the eight stairs up to my office a couple of years ago .... why did I stop? Another good purpose .... not taking the elevator.
btw I slept a little longer than usual .... it's Saturday after all!
Can't wait to have time to go to swim. That's my summer happiness ..... but my job is unfair with working hours ... until now I never came out of the office in time to go to swim ... during the week-end there are too many people in the pool to swim without distraction ... I am justifying myself !!!
Girls I love you.
Have a beautiful week-end .... with some consciousness regarding the process of maintaining youth ... I am mostly unaware of my age as I said already ... of course this could be embarrassing at times ...
Loving you.
Margherita Smile Razz Roll Eyes Wink
Dear Margherita,
thank you for the advice.
I do my Yoga first thing in the morning when I wake up, every morning.
I live in a three story house, so I climb stairs every day.
My office is on the 7th floor, approximately 165 steps, so usually I take the elevator Red Face.
I do walk to and from the office every day which is about 4 -5 km in total.

I'm still not giving up those goodies! Big Grin Red Face

Thank you Gisele and Lilie.
Here are images for each of you.

First of all Gisele,
Here is your coffee! Razz


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INDAAAAAAA! I have goosebumps!! While I was scrolling down your replies and bracha's I thought I was getting dizzy with all those stairs ... and THOUGHT THAT I'D POST THE MATTERHORN TO TELL YOU THAT I had been ... well no not on the peak, but up to 3.300 meters above sea level .. AND IN THAT VERY MOMENT THE MATTERHORN MATERIALIZED ON THE SCREEN ...... you imagine!
This is amazing! A M A Z I N G!
I was on many Swiss mountains and .... hmmm ... I am preparing/planning to get up there once more before crossing the border ...
Thank you for posting my favorite mountain! I have a life love story with mountains and that one witnessed a great love of my youth too ...

Now seriously girls: I HAVE NOT EATEN MY ICE-CREAM yesterday evening (of course I had one in the afternoon, but still .... THIS IS A PROGRESS!). And I had a long walk, dissolving in the heat, but NOW, right now I can hardly stand on my feet, sitting is painful too .... I slept in the draught and enjoyed the cool fresh breeze ... it was 25° Celsius, wonderful in comparison to the heights of temperature we touch during the day .... but i pay such a price now for feeling fresh during the night ...

but whatever ... it will pass!
Meanwhile I want to thank you dear Inda for starting this thread: IT IS DOING ME GOOD!
I love you, dear Inda and dear Lilie.
Let's go on, you are walking a lot Inda. I take the car to go to the office, I cross the town to get there ... 12 km.
A heart specialist once said that it is to prefer to walk even in the town with all the cars' "outputs" instead of not walking at all. But of course I prefer the park .... at least once a week, at my own rhythm. I intended to go today and now here I am stuck ... in pain!
My consolation ... to be with you.

Must find another image of the Matterhorn to celebrate beauty and to celebrate our determination to exercise ... (dreaming of .... hahaha!).

... where this photo begins is the very point where I have managed to climb up ...from this point on one needs the rope and all the equipment, for which I have never opted (my father did it though .... I have inherited his passion for the mountains).

Bye for now! Ohh ... I have renounced also to put butter on my toast this morning, which is another great victory ... as I always say that Sunday morning breakfast is sacred and butter contributes to it (during the week never)... but today I had proof that even without butter it was a beautiful moment ...
Margherita Smile
Dear Margherita,
This is soooo amazing. What Synchronicity.
Goes to show you, there are no accidents in God's universe.
I am truly impressed how high you climbed.

You are good about the butter, I am afraid I failed Red Face, buttered my toast this morning Red Face,
but it was so good!! Big Grin

Now that we all have done so much exercise, how about a nice slow walk along the Roll Eyes Eek scenic Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Eek Eek Roll Eyes route Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Eek Eek Roll Eyes

Artist: Robert Bateman


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You are an earlybird Lilie.
Before I do anything else, I will visit your uncle.
The road seems very hot and sunny, so i think i will take the inside way.

What I forgot to mention initially, if you spend much time in the sun, use a good sunscreen. Not only will it prevent wrinkles but most of all, it will prevent cancer of the skin. Melanoma is one serious form of skin cancer, so protect yourself from the harmful rays.

See you at your uncle's place...on the top Big Grin


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Well yes dear Lilie, DREAMS OF LOVE also keep us young ..... and our sharing of unconditional LOVE in whatever form is probably the number one factor of our wellbeing. When we share love or make love our whole body records the benefits and we not only "seem" younger but we actually slow down the aging process. I am sure. So let's be LOVE!

As you mention the dreams of kisses, here I share another of my "kiss" senryus:

Moonbeams on my lips
I lift my face to your kiss
dancing flames our breath

Goodnight sweet ladies ... it's the heart of the night and now sleep wants his share ... and dreams yes too ...

Loving you, Margherita Smile
Thank you for your beautiful expressions of love.

The place of love is the heart, and the heart is pure gold. The divine majesty polished it by gazing upon it, making it bright and pure. The traces of lights of the beauty of unqualified love appear in the mirrors of pious hearts. Human love subsists through God's Love.


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Last edited by Inda
hmmm I have come in to confess that I had my ice-cream today and tomorrow I'll go to the beach for a few days .... well at least I'll finally swim. But swimming stimulates hunger so strongly! Anyway tomorrow I'll enjoy the day .... not feeling guilty too much.

Wow, girls, I have enjoyed deeply your posts and pictures here .... I feel peace flow into my heart, preparing me for a restful sleep. But before going to bed, I'll look for some blueberries up in my Swiss mountains ...

Well you might not believe it, but these are from Alaska .... haha

Blueberries contain high quantity of antioxidants and they protect us from cancer also. Pilots are known to eat them frequently as they improve the ability to see, especially in the night. Vitamins do this. Isn't this fantastic?

Still I must look for some "Blaubeeren" ...
see how quickly I gathered them!

Love to you, sweet friends.
Margherita Smile
Ah, those blueberries I recognize from the forests here around, time for picking remind me

Echinacea is my favourit herb medicine, and I take it with the first sign of cold...

Here are some cloudberries, do you know them?

I wish you a wonderful stay at the beach...Margherita

With Love,


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I see I have missed quite a number of great exercises here. Oh, how I loved my bike! But Rome is not really bike-friendly, even if there are a few kilometers of special parcours ... There is still great heat, so all exercise brings immediate fatigue!
After swimming in the Mediterranean sea, after watching the sunsets and the stars, after a few days without ice-cream, today I have had a big one .... well I forgive myself!
I have played with my cat Zelda, which is always great exercise because of the continuous bending down to take the little balls and throw them again, walking from one end to the other of the corridor ... I don't know how she manages to be so active in these days with all her thick fur? Anyway it's good for both of us.

Pets btw seem to have a major role in keeping us healthy and young. I am sure this is true.

Love to all of you. Margherita Smile


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  • nounourschat
Dear Margherita,
I am instantly rejuvenated just looking at that beautiful cat.

I must admit, with the excuse that it is the weekend I barely got through my yoga.
Then I had a croissant with butter and coffee with cream Red Face

Now that lovely cat has made me feel sleepy.
Good night.
Tomorrow is another day.


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Today is Sunday, so I'm going to be a bit lazy.
I'll fiddle with my plants, trim them, feed them and just simply enjoy looking at them.

Everyone should keep some plants, either on a window sill, a balcony or a garden. It is restful and soothing to work with plants.
Always keep some flowers in your home and if possible at your workplace. One single flower will do. If you haven't got a vase, a colorful or interestingly shaped pop bottle will do.


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I need plants and flowers in the office. At my desk I am practically embraced by a wonderful immense Kentia palmae like this one (mine is bigger!). People coming in sometimes find that I am working in the jungle! haha. I have some smaller plants too. And yes you guessed it, I talk to my plants.
Wonderful silent presences!
Love, Margherita Smile
Thank you for sharing Margherita,
What a love filled poster.

I also have many paintings and prints as well as photographs on my walls at home and in the office, and we always have flowers in the office.
We also have devoted one wall in our private sitting area for poetry, most of Eric's poems are hanging there as well as some of yours and Tim Cannon's.

Love, Inda

I don't own the original Monet...hahaha,
just the print


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My goodness, this exercise has been so tough.
Time to take it easy for a bit.

If you have a chance to get to salty ocean water this is very relaxing to the nervous system. It is good for your skin, and it enhances sleep. After all those gruelling exercises I think that we need a bit of this:


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Sauna is considered a very healthy treatment ... you must know it dear Lilie .... but right now here we are in a permanent sauna, without any possibility to run in the snow afterwards, without any refrigerium ..... I think I am dissolving.
No possibility at all to do whatever exercises in this heat. Every movement seems too much .... no energy is left. I only dream of rain to cool the air ....

Longing for raindrops ...

Love, Margherita
Beautiful, peaceful images yes ..... we still long for rain!
Yesterday, it was the religious feast of Assumption of the Virgin Mary, on seven different squares in Rome, the town authorities had organised MUSIC AND DANCE .... Despite the heat people participated in great number! We went on Piazza del Popolo, which was magically lighted and found a refreshing breeze near one of the fountains. Of course we did NOT dance, just listened to the music and enjoyed the nice atmosphere. The Major came to say hello, he had just come back from New York. Somebody said that Rome was dirty ..... he - Veltroni is his name - answered that Rome was one of the most clean and tidy cities he knew .... after NY you can believe it probably.
Anyway it was fun. But the ambulance was ready to help fainting people .... surely there were some, the heat is crazy and to dance in the heat is even crazier surely.

Only one part of Piazza del Popolo ....

Piazza del Popolo with St. Peter
This one is too big to post it directly.

Well then DANCE!
Love, Margherita Smile


I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight

senryu by Margherita
Somebody might be watching over you

What more do you want, O soul! And what else do you search for outside, when within yourself you possess your riches, delights, satisfaction, and kingdom---your Beloved whom you desire and seek? Desire Him there, adore Him there. Do not go in pursuit of Him outside yourself. You will only become distracted and you won't find Him, or enjoy Him more than by seeking Him within you.
-St. John of the Cross
Good Lilie!
We have been so good with our exercises.

I will have some company arriving tomorrow who will stay for one month, so I will not be able to sharee these exercises every day. I will do my best, but I fully expect you to carry on with the anti-aging process.
I will join you whenever I can while my company is here.
Meanwhile I will finish with this


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Thank you Lilie,
for that delicious glass of wine.

I was able to come here for a moment,
and I will certainly enjoy a glass of wine. They say a glass of red wine a day is very beneficial.

Love, Inda

...If you wake up tomorrow with a headache or hangover, drink more wine, and chase this discomfort away.
Nut Tongue Juggle
Dear ladies, I see you have been bravely exercising ..... now it's NOT the moment, as it is time to go to sleep. Only by watching your fantastic little pinguin, dear Lilie, my breath shortens ... I might identify with him in DREAM and it might work after all ... waking up "exercised"!

I'll listen to the music of this waterfall while falling asleep... and getting ready for my dreams.

Love, Margherita Smile


I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight

senryu by Margherita

Ah yes Lilie, nothing like breathing in the forest! ...... while exchanging love with the trees and all the fairies and gnomes and nature spirits who enjoy themselves in these surroundings ...

I LOVE the woods! But I would not dare collecting mushrooms ... I don't know them enough well, but they are beautiful to look at ...

Love, Margherita Smile
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Let us meet girls in this magical garden with the doves ...meditate and breathe and focus on beauty.

Hi Inda, without you dear one, nothing goes! And Lilie too is hard to find nowadays ... Well, I don't want to give in to melancholy ... so please don't give me any reason for it!
Happy Sunday!

Love, Margherita Smile


I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight

senryu by Margherita

Mount Saentis in Switzerland

I have been up there ....(some time ago!) and I long to feel once again that incredible emotion of reaching the top after several hours of hard climbing!

A friend back home is organizing already an excursion (a light one of course, as I am not trained anymore) for next time I'll be there. So at least I need to do some gym exercises, otherwise it will be impossible.

Beginning ....

Love, Margherita Smile

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