Shift of consciousness
Breathing myself into silence,
I’m airborne into the freedom
of a place high above the clouds.
I spread the translucent wings
of my weightless ethereal body,
skydiving in search of bliss.
I follow the tiny silver sparks
you left behind when sailing
ahead to show me the path.
Emulating a swarm of birds
we move in graceful curves,
chaste souls exploring the skies
and the unknown scattered below.
Roaming hearts and wondering minds
trying to find the hidden keys to know
where the showers of tears come from,
which gather to form oceans of sorrow,
down on Earth where we stumble
over inherited illusionary ideas,
instead of listening to our hearts
where the voice of God resounds.
In the upper spheres of light
Angels are preparing new realms
as well as a shift of consciousness
to be bestowed upon humanity.
A glorious gift to our eyes
to gaze in amazement
into the beauty and depth of eternity.
And a potent invitation to our souls
to live and act according
to the heavenly law of Love.
Breathing myself into silence
together with You I soar.
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