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This epic sculpture features the faces of four exalted American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. These 60-foot high faces are 500 feet up.

Sculptor Gutzon Borglum began grilling into the 5,725-foot mountain in 1927. Creation took 14 years and cost a mere $1 million.


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Last edited by Inda
Wonderful thread dear Indra! he he.. Tongue

The picture at the top of this page (mermaid) has me wanting to swim around Coopenhagen (splleing?) Hula kiss2

OK OK Back on topic! Spam Wiggum

My father, Ted Vincent has been doing "Black Indian Mexico" research for perhaps a decade now, and he took some great pictures when studying in Mexico. His web site (done by an expert websitist) is These images are from the gallery:

The Olmec civilization was centered in towns in Veracruz and Tabasco and thrived from around 1200 b.c. to around 500 b.c. Aspects of Olmec life have been found throughout Southern Mexico. Called, the "cultural mother" of Mexican civilization, the Olmecs apparently had connections with Africans, and quite possibly with Asians, the Chinese of those times being Ocean travellers. The African ties, reflected in the giant stone heads, were a natural development of strong Atlantic Ocean currents that swept from West Africa into the Caribbean Sea.

Foot high statue from the Yucatan was tentatively dated from around 800 a.d. If this is accurate, it shows an African presence that was long after the Olmecs, and yet before the arrival of the Spaniards.

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

Last edited by Teo
Beautiful sculptures!

Dear Teo, I visited the site of your father and I am amazed at the vast research he has done. My compliments!

Today we have been in one of the many beautiful churches around the famous Piazza Navona ... I found the statue of St. Agnese of Agona very beautiful, dated 1661. Will see if I can find it ... no could not find it!

Well then, being in Piazza Navona, I will share some pictures of the statues which represent the four rivers of the omonimous fountain ...

The Danube Statue

The Ganges Statue

Bernini's Four Rivers Fountain

Sharing my Saturday afternoon promenade ...
Love to all of you my sweet friends.
Margherita dpm Eek
Thank you Teo for sharing your Dad's work. This looks all very interesting.

Dear Margherita, the sculpture in the Piazza Navona is magnificent. Thank you for posting the images.

Thank you Vicky. I have passed that Henry Moore many times.

I thought we should not forget Rodin's well known sculpture


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Last edited by Inda

Degas - "The Little Dancer of Fourteen Years," 1879-81, cast 1921
Bronze with gauze tutu and silk ribbon, 38-1/2 x 14-1/2 x 14-1/4 inches
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts

Dear All, on Saturday we have visited the Degas exhibition in Rome, with a very well prepared guide and it was highly interesting indeed.

The above Sculpture is considered of special value as it is Degas' attempt to combine different material. Bronze combined with gauze and silk.

What I did not know is that Degas prepared countless sculptures in wax which after his death were made in bronze, like these:

He used them to study the movements in every detail and different position before painting his dancers on the canvas.

There were of course quite a few beautiful paintings.
He was part of the Impressionist group, but he was the less impressionist of all. Nonetheless he participated to all the impressionist exhibitions.

Love and Joy.
Margherita Smile
This box belonged to Maria Maddalena of
Austria. The little dog carved in ivory and placed on the cover is a King Charles spaniel, a breed much loved by the Stuart king Charles II. The statuette, which honors a dog that belonged to Maria Maddalena, was a present from her husband; it passed into the collection of Ferdinand II and was later kept at the Uffizi, from where it was transferred to the Pitti Palace, during the second half of the 18th century.

Ivory dog on a ebony box. Height 2 1/2 inches, length 7 inches, box 10 by 6 inches. Florence, Museo degli Argenti


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Last edited by Inda

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