A lotus of ligt
blossomed out in the sky.
It spread out its petals tier upon tier
in all directions,
covering all the deep black water
of the darkness.
Brother, I'm sitting in joy
in a golden treasury
in the midst of all this.
Slowly the lotus of light
spreads out and surrounds me.
In the sky the wind blows
in enormous waves.
On all four sides a song rings out.
My heart dashes out free and skips in joy.
The sky-filled touch
pervades my whole being.
Sinking into this sea-of-life
I take my fill of life.
Coming over and over again in billows
the wind blows and surrounds me.
Mother Earth spreads out her mantle
in all directions
and embraces all.
She calls out and brings to herself
all living things,
whoever and wherever they are.
She divides food and puts it
into all hands, into all bowls.
My mind is filled with songs and scents;
I sit here joyful in mind.
Spreading out her mantle about me,
the earth encompasses and embraces me.
O Light, I greet you.
May all my offenses vanish.
Adorn my brow
with Father's blessings.
O Breeze I greet you!
May all my weariness be removed.
Refresh my whole being
with Father's blessing.
O Earth, I greet you!
May all my deep longing be fulfilled.
Fill my abode
with Father's blessing
and make it fruitful.
~Rabindranath Tagore
Original Post