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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
In the lovely title of their hit by the same name the
Bee Gee's posed this question..."How deep is your love?".
The answer is of course...endless.
Yet perhaps a better question posed might have been
how deeply do we allow ourselves to feel this love?
We are often shallow in our expressions.
By this I do not mean that we are shallow people...far from it.
We are deep beyond our worldly recognition.
But we seldom express ourselves so.

Tantric traditions tell us that within every moment we are
either opening to the presence of love, or closing in fear
and refusal of what is.
Tantric teacher David Deida calls this our "clench".

Every moment is providing us an oppurtunity to open in love.
Every moment of fear, anger, resentment or any other closure is
an oppurtunity to open our clench.

Shakespeare said that nothing is good nor bad less thinking
makes it so. Very Tantric.

Nothing is good nor bad.
Yet things may feel so.
And this makes them real.

How we express ourselves and others
is our choice though. Too often we identify so strongly by
these emotions and rampant feelings that we fail to seperate
ourselves from what we experince.
I AM angry, I AM afraid, I AM ...and so we are.
Yet we're not.

We are the everness of a blue sky...though clouds may threaten to
darken our view.
We are the vastness of the ocean....even as waves storm across
our surface.
We are the face of all opposition. Always.

Feel the force of your clench fully. Feel the breath, high and shallow
in the chest. The Buddha wisely said that we are not punished for
our anger, we are punished by our anger. This is the same with all
lower energies. Our breath becomes shallow and does our
response. Yet by feeling this clench, by the mere act of observing, we bring the greater
awareness of love to light. When we fully recognize our clench, when we ARE this living, breathing
clench...we slowly begin to deepen our breath. We breathe down into our bellies and soften our
jaws and loosen shoulders.We become becoming soft.

Clench a coin in your hand tightly, tighter, and even tighter still.
How long can you hold this?
Yet turn your hand palms up...surrender....the coin resting gently
on your hand. Simply feel this differnce.
The clench Vs. surrender.
In the end...surrender always goes the distance. Our clench is limited by the very
output of our energy. The open palm conducts, distrubts, and absorbs.

In Tantra we turn what we don't like...upside down. We take the clench...and surrender to
the open palm.
This is alchemy. The transformation of the lead of shallow expressions...into the gold of
our pure presence. We are the Tantrika's and Masters. Always.

How deep is your love?
How deep will you express it?

Original Post

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Eric this is just awesome!

Is this.. InfoPop wisdom? he he..

I AM in complete agreement with your statement of "watch out saying I AM angry.." all these things we say "I am" to eh? how silly!

I AM joy and abundance, wisdom and wit, shiney bright light happily bouncing off of various colors and textures, all to please you, and I and I[/b.

I love you Eric, you are the greatest. All of you here are the greatest and know I love you deeply. You are an angel to remind people to speak of their love more Eric!

In one conversation you suggested I should make "meditative media," like the 7 Chakras CD Verlon and I created. That one had 7 songs, so 7 screens, each told you about that chakra, the colors, shapes, petals, sanscrit letters and such.. well, you have done this here Eric! You are a great Tantra teacher! Now you have me wondering if I should start topics: Tantra is.., Watch what you say, Love deapth, Looking / breathing down on negative emotions, boy you have opened my bag of tricks!

I keep going through this transition to "wear" the name Givnology.. I figure I [b]WILL
need to get a Sherlock Holmes pipe, maybe little professor glasses, and .. I was thinking.. I wizard's hat.. he he..

Well this Givnology I, it is well fed on magical words of wisdom from it's choice consumable, Eric P. McCarty. It thanks you deeply for enriching it's wealth of healing loving knowledge. Quantum love to you and yours dear Eric!

Lovebeams, Teo Wink

You can't force peace, only show it.
Dear Eric, your wise words supply us with a key to purity, to beauty, to the depth of unconditional love, to be ourselves. I dare to express deep love, I dare to open my mind and my heart and let beauty flow in.

Your words
do to me,
what the sun
does to the flowers,
I dare to bloom,
I dare to open
my petals,
by opening
my "clench".

Thank you, I love you.
Margherita Smile


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  • Marguerite
Thank you dear Eric for sharing this wisdom with us.
I needed to be reminded of this so much.

I feel the clench...the need to control and yet i know that only through surrender will i ever find peace. I can see that i lived a long time with the belief that married people belong to each other. But the now..i see that we belong to no one and are at the same time the whole universe. Like you told me the other day...the love i have for Vince will and is in fact, still there. And i do still feel his love for me. How we will live and express this love may be different and will surely have a new quality to it.
What is great between us doesn't have to disappear...i feel that all there is to do is drop all expectations and just be grateful for what IS. can never die for we are Love.

I love you Dear Eric...and i am blessed in love, and in sharing this love with you, sweet soul.
Sylvie Smile

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