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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
It is Ollie's 16th birthday today and Ollie has been very sick all weekend.

The poor cat usually has a very big appetite, but not this weekend, actually poor Ollie did not get up or eat at all this morning.

I am going to the cat doctor with Ollie later today.
Please pray that the best thing can and will be done for Ollie

Sue Cat Cat2


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I am very sorry Sue.
Ollie was dearly loved, but remember cat heaven is the most wonderful place to be.

Love, Inda

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by...

Author unknown

Last edited by Inda
Dear Sue, I know what it means when a beloved cat leaves us to go to heaven and I feel with you the sadness for dear sweet and beautiful Ollie moving on.
It was her time, she knew, cats know, but she was sad too to leave you, no doubt. ((((((Ollie))))) The memories of her company for 16 years will always be a treasure. It is a precious gift to have our pets for such a long time. I had Mizar for seventeen years. I still dream of him and often I find him together with my Mother in the dreams. I do not doubt that cats go to the same place as human souls.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures. I just asked my dear Mizar to get in touch with Ollie and show her around in the new endeavours. They will be friends.
May you be comforted by the thought that this connection will go on and that Ollie is fine.

Let me hug you, dear Sue. I pray for your serenity.
Love and Light.
Margherita 2Hearts

Thank you everyone.
I really appreciate your support and your kind words.

At the moment it is a bit difficult because everything happened so suddenly. Ollie apparently had a liver tumour and there was nothing that could be done.

I just miss Ollie not being at home to greet me, and join me while I read or work in the garden, but I know that there is a time for all of us to go. In some future time we will meet again.

Continuing to send love and prayers, hugs and fuzzies to Sue, Deb, Frank and all concerned.

Originally posted by dear Margherita:
...I do not doubt that cats go to the same place as human souls.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures. I just asked my dear Mizar to get in touch with Ollie and show her around in the new endeavours. They will be friends.
May you be comforted by the thought that this connection will go on and that Ollie is fine.

Let me hug you, dear Sue. I pray for your serenity.
Love and Light.
Margherita 2Hearts

Very sweet dpm!

What beautiful and loving replies all!

Love and LIGHT*BEING, Teo Do (Re, Miow!...) Cat2

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

Dear Everyone.
It has now been over a week since Ollie left us.We still miss him very much but have come to terms with the fact that it was for the best. He was a dear little fellow and gave us a lot of love and happiness. He also taught us some valuable lessons about life and getting priorities right. He was a little angel. I think that even little Lily misses him even though they were not the best of friends.
For now we still have Lily and at 18 years of age every day is a blessing.
Thank you all again for kind and thoughtful messages. They were much appreciated.
Love Sue. Angel Cat
Good luck to Oliver in the Happy Hunting Grounds.

We lost a friend Darwin whose human friend was taking care of my eleven year old also named Oliver and his buddy Crescent who is also about eleven I can only guess because I adopted them a year and a half ago.

I lost a cat named Kitty who I adopted at the age of nine who died two summers ago at eighteen, and still miss her, but without so much grief at this stage. There is a lemon tree that bore fruit after eight years the year when Kitty took her spot on the grounds nearby. It took a long time to get over the loss of that dear friend, but I'm at that point of having a warm memory of her which prevails over that sense of loss you'll have for a while.

At some point I've commented on the Egyptian attitude and how cats were included in burial schemes for those who had the privelege of being ritually entombed. One would want to think like their human friend at whose side they were interred, their mummification would have been accomplished after a long full life, not while a cat was still purring.

I like the idea that all our animal friends will be there in some form when we meet again in the bye and bye if you subscribe to those notions.

I'm more a buddhist than a believer - favoring awareness over what I may think based on myth or rumor or even scripture - but I remind myself, while living, that some of my favorite people and other animals if long gone - are surely not forgotten.

Here's to all cats named Oliver. Yours was a beautiful one. That's plain to see. He should be well remembered, and if you still feel his presence, that's perfectly natural and why not give him a tenth life for a while?



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  • Oliver_CutOut
Last edited by yogionefromobie
Here is poor Darwin who we think may have been hit by a vehicle. He made it home. I feel bad that his best buddy was away taking care of my furry friends and it may have contributed to his roaming where perhaps he'd not have gone were she around.

She had a cat sitter but her critters did have a cat entrance and tended to be in and out day and night. Her sitter may not have given her cats the attention she gave to mine. Darwin may simply have been unlucky, but it's not what you want to hear. My mother is getting to the end of her road at eighty five so I had to leave. I didn't like hearing that we lost Darwin in the process of covering bases.

There wasn't an obvious wound on him Carollee said, but the fact that he struggled to come home is better somehow than a complete disappearance. His two other feline companions have been aware of his passing in recent weeks. It's part of life but not one we welcome. Darwin had his whole life ahead of him. I didn't get to meet him but I knew him from pictures when he was still frisking about. Sad. I'm glad the celebrated Oliver of this thread had a full life and brought joy to the world for years and years.

Each of us is a unique individual. That's a fact. Darwin too.


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  • Darwin-Clrcrctd
Last edited by yogionefromobie
Lately, I've been feeling the presence of my friend a late cat named "Kitty" now gone almost two years but not quite. I don't think you need to actually be in the hereafter to feel that presence. They say "de mortuis nil nisi bonum" which means only say kind things about the departed.

I find myself thinking of Peter O'Toole's character living in an old castle who confronting his father who wonders what his son's complaint is when this ghostly father stops haunting the castle for a moment and talks to his son. O'Tool says to his ghostly father: "why couldn't we have at least talked more?" and I had to laugh.

An animal friend or a parent will linger in any case - we would pray not straying about the castle rattling chains.

For our furry friends we are less likely to find them as spirits in limbo. Off to the happy hunting grounds, or the Elysian fields for them, no doubt.

None of my cats ever wore a bell. Some of them put a lot of mice into the hereafter. This is a fact. Maybe like the lion and lamb, cat and mouse can find harmony in the etherial plane.

I like the buddhist notion that one need not have beliefs, but that it is good to entertain the idea that all things are possible. Nine lives on the physical plane is astounding enough!

In my mind my furry friends are all immortal.

Sadder news for cats is the plight of the living big ones. Tigers have been poached nearly into extinction by hunters. Things don't look so good for bears either. It could be that on the physical plane, assuming there can be a happy hunting ground in the physical world, it may have to be a game preserve on another planet in the right spot in some other solar system.

To quote Sir Paul from Wings Wildlife from the seventies: There's Animals everywhere, and man you just gotta care.

There was another line in that song about "The sign said the animals have the right of way."

Here's to happier hunting grounds both here and in the beyond. The saddest of all of the beasts lately may be the elephants, most of whom are in captivity without enough room to have much dignity.

All our animal friends domestic and wild ought to be able to have full and happy lives like the late Oliver and Kitty and others I know who lived longer than the average cat - and who may well be off on Tralfalmador or some neighboring planet where the balance of nature prevails and there's no such thing rat poison all over the neighborhood or leg hold traps planted by human weasels.

Ollie Ollie oxen free! Or "in free" if you prefer.


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  • 2PolarBearCubs_01-OnMom

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