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Bao Bao is very cute.


China has introduced six giant pandas into a "semi-wild" environmenty. This is claimed to be one of the most ambitious attempts so far to build up the endangered population with captive-bred bears.


Returning captive pandas into the wild is an important means of protecting the population. It’s also a milestone for the panda conservation program. In the coming days, Xing Rong, Xing Ya and 4 others will be making a new home, in a place where they truly belong.


Last edited by Inda

Er Shun had twin panda cubs.

Er Shun is one of the two giant pandas on loan to our zoo from China.

The little cubs have their eyes still closed, but they are wiggling around.

They are demonstrating all the right behaviours. Both cubs are suckling/nursing from their mom.Er Shun is forming a close bond with both cubs. The zoo is very pleased, but this is still a critical time for the twins.

Last edited by Vicky2

The little pandas are both doing very well. Mom is taking care of both of them now, but has a little trouble carrying them both at the same time.

The twin cubs now weigh 5.55 kg and 4.85 kg. Both continue to become more active and playful, often play-wrestling with one another. Both are trying hard to walk and are improving daily. Their noses are almost fully blackened and their fur continues to become fuller and fuzzier and their teeth continue to come in.

Last edited by Inda

Panda Facts

  • Female giant pandas are only receptive to breeding once a year for a period of 24 to 72 hours
  • A giant panda is born pink, hairless, blind and is 1/900th the size of its mother (about the size of a stick of butter)
  • 99% of a giant panda's diet consists of bamboo
  • A giant panda's digestive system is more similar to that of a carnivore than a herbivore, yet they have adapted to a vegetarian diet of bamboo
  • A giant panda may eat 12-38 kg of bamboo a day
  • In the wild, a giant panda spends 10 to 16 hours a day foraging and eating. The rest of its time is spent mostly sleeping and resting
  • Unique physical features that help pandas to hold, crush and eat bamboo are broad, flat molar teeth and an enlarged wrist bone that functions as an opposable thumb
  • Giant pandas do not hibernate like other bears do
  • Giant pandas make a bleating sound similar to the sound a lamb or young goat (kid) would make


Images (1)
  • pandababies2
Last edited by Inda

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