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Our Sanctuary
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Our eyes lock and our souls merge.
Upon the signal of perfect oneness
the gates of our Sanctuary
open wide and we step in.
There are no walls
and there is no roof.
The trees welcome us
into their hallowed circle,
while the firmament
bends over our heads
and reaches down
in all its magnificence.
Soft layers of leaves
adorned with autumn flowers
beckon like first class seats
in the cosmic theatre
where the performance
is about to start just for us.
No sounds pierce the circle.
Even the wind stops whispering
in deep reverence
to our sacred connection.
Only our heartbeats communicate
in perfect synchronization
with the pulsing stars above.
Wrapped in silent splendour
we become vessels of love.
Like a luminous flow of gold
life’s most precious gift
aliments our inner well.
With every breath we increase
the level of our awareness.
We reach deep into each other
to dig for the sparkling diamonds
inheritance of our divine nature.
Abundant and inexhaustible
is the treasure of particles of love.
So we scatter them all around us
in every direction of the sky,
to settle down and to shine
within every lonesome soul
who ardently longs to soar high.
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