Photo by Tony Howell
Behind my closed eyes
your beauty unfolds.
Drawn to the light
you emanate
I stretch and reach out
leaping into your heart.
I travel on the vibes
released by my desire.
Let me kiss your smile
and gain admission
to the promised land
of your secret core.
Each flapping of wings
opens to a new sight
and I yearn for more
moving on and on
in rapture and delight.
We are both in motion
towards each other
craving for collision.
Oh the intimate touch
of every single particle
when we finally meet
on the supreme heights
of our Love’s dance!
Mirrors suddenly crash
fragments recompose
and reveal the image
of our sparkling one soul
shining as light upon light
singing a heavenly song
rising like the sun at dawn
from our source of One.
Love, Margherita