One with you
The forget-me-nots held their breath
and bravely offered their smoothness
when we choose to stargaze that night.
We stretched out, fingers entwined,
hearts synchronized their dancing steps
souls melted into one glowing globe,
brains exchanged light speed impulses,
veins were rivers rushing to alien shores
where Universal tunes were performed.
We inhaled the fragrance of stillness
and exhaled remnants of built up tensions
imitating the sea’s eternal play of waves.
All earthly heaviness left our bodies.
The forget-me-nots lifted their heads
and pushed us closer towards the stars.
We hovered in a place of no attachment
immersed in a space of deep contemplation.
where filaments of light kept us out of chaos.
Our soul smiles erupted into the vast void
winged whispers roamed in new sun skies,
through shafts of radiance we ascended
higher and higher onto a level of pure being.
Thoughts tumbled from consciousness
sinking temporarily into channels of silence.
We held the quiet for long enough to perceive
the primordial cosmic breath of harmony.
Then we turned to each other and kissed.
The forget-me-nots had shared our bliss,
each of them put on a knowing smile
as they cheerfully waved good-bye.
Original Post