According to the explanations once given to me by my uncle, a mullah, whom everyone called behind his back a "mullah of the old school," it seems that, two or three centuries ago, for reasons evidently ensuiing from certain higher world laws, people began making war on each other more intensely than usual everywhere on the Earth, especially among us in Asia, while at the same time in most of the men the feeling of piety very definitely diminished and in some of them entirely disappeared.
Just at that period a certain form of psychic disease spread among the men, and many of those afflicted with it either became quite insane or committed suicide.
Then certain wise people of different independent groups on the continent of Asia, with the help of various representatives of medicine--which, by the way, was at that time on a much higher level than contemporary medicine--began very earnestly to search for the causes of that new human misfortune.
After long and impartial labors they discovered, on the one hand, that the men who contracted this disease were exclusively those in whose subconscious, for some reason or other, there no longer arose any impulse of faith in anyone or anything, and on the other hand, that those adult men who periodically performed the normal ritual of intercourse with women were immune to this disease.
When the news of this conclusion of theirs spread over the continent of Asia, the rulers and chiefs of the separate Asiatic groups of that time grew alarmed, as almost all the regular troops at their disposal consisted of adult men and, moreover, the constant wars did not permit them to live normally with their families.
Since at that period all those governing the different Asiatic countries recognized their need for healthy and strong armies, they were obliged to conclude a truce, and either to go in person or send their representatives to the capital of what was then called the 'khanate of Kilmantoosh,' in order jointly to find a way out of the situation that had arisen.
After serious reflections and deliberations, these rulers of the various independent groups of Asiatic peoples, or their delegates, of course in collaboration with the representatives of medicine of that time, came to the conclusion that the only way to deal with the situation that had arisen would be through the establishment of what is called 'prostitution' everywhere on the continent of Asia, as it now exists on the continent of Europe, and that this would succeed only if the power-possessing people deliberately cooperated in its development.
Almost all the chiefs of state of that time fully agreed with this conclusion of the representatives of the peoples of the continent of Asia, assembled in the capital of the khanate of Kilmantoosh and, from then on, without experiencing any remorse of conscience, they not only began to encourage and aid all women in general--with the exception of their own daughters--to engage in this occupation, so abhorrent and repulsive to the nature of every normal person, but also gave generous assistance to all those women, of whatever caste or religion, who wished to go anywhere for this dirty purpose; they even did this with a feeling of benevolence, as if it were the most considerate and human manifestation.
-All And Everything, Gurdjieff, page 899
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