Freedom. One word…one word steeped in meaning and powerful imagery. Through time man has fought and died for the value of this word. And yet what value does this word truly hold? Are we free from the conceptual baggage that has gathered to this word? Or does the very word and its meaning imprison us in noble bars that hold us from a truly free and open life?
In social and economical terms money brings freedom and prestige. In political circles freedom is a trigger word used to invoke patriotism and often fear that our freedom is in jeopardy and threaten in some way. Is any of this freedom? Or do we simply bind ourselves to concepts that have been handed to us from those who are bound as tightly as we?
Spiritually, I would ask, from what is it that we could be free of? To rebel from a concept is to be forever within the grip of steely fingers of no escape. To flee, or fight an institution, government, or social order is to be a slave of the fight and the object of our discord. Is there no such thing as freedom than?
Yes and no. We can never be free from a world that exists as much within as without. We can not be separate from the whole. In this very recognition we can gain a measure of true freedom. We are the world and the world is us. There is no freedom because there is nothing to be free of or from. When we recognize the continuous nature of our being…we come to an understanding that we are all things and nothing at once. We are free because we are. And when we simply are…in full connection to life and wonder...we are such pure expressions of freedom that the notion itself loses all meaning and value. There is no need to break from anything. We have arrived to ourselves. Free.
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