First I scanned and included images from "Healing Hands Of Light" by a NASA scientist. I had even forgotten that most chakras have a back and front - see the images below. Today I decided to scan some images from "Nothing in This Book Is True But It's How Things Are." Here are images from that book by Bob Frissel:

In the latter image, which is called "Our External Chakra Points," it is explained how to visualize The External Merkaba which is the up triangle and the down triangle creating the star of david which Frissel says is how to create a space ship, or protective field around yourself.
How to create the Merkaba is going to be integrated into LEVELS SEVEN, the wellness guide (follow the CHAKRAS link).
Here are some more images I just scanned, this is another .. class .. of Om Work:

From "The Goddess Sekhmet, Psycho-Spiritual Exercises of the Fifth Way."
Love n lightbeams, Teodoor