Wishing you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS,
Dear Friends,
Enjoy Margherita's and Tim's poems that are posted on this thread.
It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.
Mother Theresa
When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things — not the great occasions — give off the greatest glow of happiness.
Bob Hope
I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.
Charles Dickens.
Let the world rejoice
Sharing peace and love
For on this joyous Christmas day
Christ came from above.
to all that celebrate. I also enjoy reading Margherita's and Tim's poems. Takes us back to a more peaceful world that we had.
"The mood is right, the spirit's up. We're here tonight, and that's enough. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time." – Paul McCartney,
Have a very Merry Christmas.
Enjoy it with your family and friends if you can.
What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd,
I would bring a lamb;
If I were a wise man,
I would do my part:
Yet what I can I give Him,
Give my heart.
Christina G. Rossetti
Christmas 2023 is almost here.
Have a Merry Christmas, all who celebrate.
Tim Cannon's message from long ago:
Listen closely
To this story
Of a child written long ago,
Who came from the mountains
To the distant valleys
Bringing a message of peace and hope.
This child sang to all the people
Words were whispered far and near,
Of the power that’s in the heart
Of the wisdom all can share.
“In your heart
And in your mind
Working together
You will find,
All the treasures
And all the gold
Lies in two simple words
Never needed to be told.
Feel the warmth
Which grows inside
And in this feeling
You will cry,
Sounds of freedom
Sounds of laughter
Sounds of children
Forever by your side.”
Some of the people
Wanted the secrets
To all the treasures
All of the gold,
They took this child
And locked him up
Keeping this child
Deep inside.
These people grew in sickness
Age and resentment
Hate and fear,
Never understanding
Never receiving
Forever lonely in despair.
And when the child had faded and died
They had lost their secret
This wealth was gone,
They could not share in
This life treasure
These words in which they seek.
When elders looked
To the other people
And saw them happy
Full of life,
Full of laughter
Full of love
Reflecting ever clearly
So brilliantly bright.
“How could this be
We had the child
We held him within,
He was ours to keep
Ours to have
Never to share
Never to lend.
Only the words
We were never told
To all the riches
And to all the gold,
Died with this child
Never again to be seen
Forever left, untold.”
As their feelings
Turned from anger
Turned from jealousy
Turned towards rage,
A child did step forth
And kissed them lightly
Only then did they know.
The words for which they were seeking
To all the riches, all the treasures
And all the gold,
Laid in their heart
Always there
Never needed to be told.
This feeling, forgiveness
This feeling of love
Came from deep within,
From within their soul,
Is all that is treasured
Is all that is needed
Wealthier than all the gold.
So now you know the story
The words, the feelings
Living within us all.
Live your life
Live it as a child,
Live it in forgiveness
Live it in love.
Listen closely
To this story,
Of a child,
Written long ago.
by: Tim Cannon
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate.
Thank you for bringing back Tim's beautiful message.
Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS 2023.
O God,
by your heavenly star,
you guided those who were wise
to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
May your blessing come to rest on our home and all of us.
Make our lives wise with your wisdom,
true to your teaching,
and enlivened by your love.
May your Word made flesh
make his home among us. Amen.
O God,
by your heavenly star,
you guided those who were wise
to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
May your blessing come to rest on our home and all of us.
Make our lives wise with your wisdom,
true to your teaching,
and enlivened by your love.
May your Word made flesh
make his home among us. Amen.
Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS 2024.
Listen closely
To this story
Of a child written long ago,
Who came from the mountains
To the distant valleys
Bringing a message of peace and hope.
This child sang to all the people
Words were whispered far and near,
Of the power that’s in the heart
Of the wisdom all can share.
“In your heart
And in your mind
Working together
You will find,
All the treasures
And all the gold
Lies in two simple words
Never needed to be told.
Feel the warmth
Which grows inside
And in this feeling
You will cry,
Sounds of freedom
Sounds of laughter
Sounds of children
Forever by your side.”
Some of the people
Wanted the secrets
To all the treasures
All of the gold,
They took this child
And locked him up
Keeping this child
Deep inside.
These people grew in sickness
Age and resentment
Hate and fear,
Never understanding
Never receiving
Forever lonely in despair.
And when the child had faded and died
They had lost their secret
This wealth was gone,
They could not share in
This life treasure
These words in which they seek.
When elders looked
To the other people
And saw them happy
Full of life,
Full of laughter
Full of love
Reflecting ever clearly
So brilliantly bright.
“How could this be
We had the child
We held him within,
He was ours to keep
Ours to have
Never to share
Never to lend.
Only the words
We were never told
To all the riches
And to all the gold,
Died with this child
Never again to be seen
Forever left, untold.”
As their feelings
Turned from anger
Turned from jealousy
Turned towards rage,
A child did step forth
And kissed them lightly
Only then did they know.
The words for which they were seeking
To all the riches, all the treasures
And all the gold,
Laid in their heart
Always there
Never needed to be told.
This feeling, forgiveness
This feeling of love
Came from deep within,
From within their soul,
Is all that is treasured
Is all that is needed
Wealthier than all the gold.
So now you know the story
The words, the feelings
Living within us all.
Live your life
Live it as a child,
Live it in forgiveness
Live it in love.
Listen closely
To this story,
Of a child,
Written long ago.
by: Tim Cannon