Maria Maddalena by Pietro Perugino
Mary Magdalene
I wish I had been there with you
to share your excitement and your joy
when you discovered the empty tomb of Jesus.
You crowned your emotions with tears.
Though He had shared His truth with you,
your faith was shaken by irrational fear.
You had seen Him nailed to the cross
and though you knelt on the ground
your heart and soul were glued to His
and His agony became your agony.
A disciple’s symbiosis with Her Teacher
or the indivisible Power of Love?
Whatever it was He choose you
to be the first to learn of His Resurrection,
even if in your bewilderment
you could hardly believe your eyes
and your heartbeats drummed you deaf .
But then you ran like a gazelle to share the news.
I wish I had been there with you
to witness the boldness of your heart
when you first met Him and showed your generosity
scandalizing those who lived by the rules
but had no clue of the vastness of Love.
Of the Love as the source of all Life.
You endured the discrimination
because of your being a woman,
humble, yet independent and strong
and with an uncommon acumen.
They spoilt your name by calling you a sinner,
but in Jesus’ eyes you were a pure flower.
And this flower still blooms to this day
in the hearts of those who came to know you
through the written word and through faith.
Yes, I wish I had been there with you,
but see, the truth is that now you are with me
as a living example of how true Love should be.