The problem, I argued, is that men -- because of a tragic genetic flaw -- cannot see dirt until there is enough of it to support agriculture. This puts men at a huge disadvantage against women, who can detect a single dirt molecule 20 feet away.
This is why a man and a woman can both be looking at the same bathroom commode, and the man -- hindered by Male Genetic Dirt Blindness (MGDB) -- will perceive the commode surface as being clean enough for heart surgery or even meat slicing; whereas the woman can't even see the commode, only a teeming, commode-shaped swarm of bacteria.

Teo Barry Vincent IV Composer Performer Sound-Designer & Information Systems Support
Writings: Third Millennium Thinking, Lyrics (PDF file)
Forums: Givnology (by Teo), Unkle Bobs, IAM-Simple, CuteFamilyPets, PagenPoet, NewsForNow, Infopop, Teodor's index @ Deepak Chopras
WellBeingCreativity poems+music+images

"When we appreciate our diversity, we have abundance!"