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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Hello everyone.

I have not been here in a long time. I hope everyone is fine.

I would like to ask you to hold my family and I in your prayers, please. I won't go into details but we are facing a rather difficult time and may have difficult choices to make in the coming months.

I am having a hard time seeing clearly and I am asking for clarity in order to make the best choices possible for all involved.

Thank you for your support.

Amritasya Putrah: We are sons of immortality...
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Originally posted by dear danebe007:
I am having a hard time seeing clearly and I am asking for clarity in order to make the best choices possible for all involved.
Joining your beautiful prayer Sylvie 2Hearts

Dear Lord and angels, surround our dear Sylvie, her family and all involved with blazing bright brilliant healing light energy. May Sylvie have abundant clarity and highest awareness for upcoming choices. Thank you so. And so it is. Amen.

Love and LIGHT BEING, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Far....) Hug Angel Angel2 Cloud9 Cloud9

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

Dear Sylvie,

I am praying for you to make the right choices.
May you have clarity and see the light.


As the heart finds the changeless, it emits a natural light which illumines all within that is still phoney. With time the artificial disappears and only the natural remains.

Chuang Tzu
Last edited by yoko
Thank you my friends.

May I go move beyond the fear, anger and sadness that I constantly feel since the last couple of weeks and may I accept the situation we are facing and go through it with strength and courage. May I find peace of mind in the middle of this difficult time.

I do hope I will be able to see with clarity and make the best choices for my children and myself.

So be it.

Amritasya Putrah: We are sons of immortality...
Dear Sylvie,

My prayers continue.

Love, Inda

God and spirit, I'm in a fog today.
Give me clarity in mind and heart.
Release me from my confusion, which is born of the past.
Let me see everything as if for the first time.
Shower unknown blessings upon me.
Surprise me with joy,
And let me be renewed in your ways.


From: "The Deeper Wound,"
Deepak Chopra
Last edited by Inda
Thank you ladies for your prayers and comforting words. It means a lot to me!

I don't sleep much because I got a lot on my mind but I am asking for divine guidance everyday.

We will have to go through a lot of changes...and I indeed will have to make the best choices possible for the children and I, and I know my boyfriend will have to do the same for himself as well.

Again, I offer my gratitude to each and everyone of you!

Amritasya Putrah: We are sons of immortality...

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