From "Power vs Force" page 104
The common belief is that it's the substance itself to which the victim has become addicted, due to that substance's power to create a "high" state of euphoria. But if we reexamine the nature of addiction through the methodology herein, a different formulation of the process emerges...
...The actual effect of drugs is merely to suppress the lower energy fields, thereby allowing the user to exclusively experience the higher ones. It's as though a filter screened out all the lower tones coming from an orchestra so that all that could be heard were the high notes. The suppression of the low notes doesn't create the high ones; it merely reveals them.
I'm addicted to love. Is there a drug that will filter out everything else? he he.. I'm just an "endorfiend" he he.. staying high on natural endorphines.. aaahh yesss..
Well some of the veterans I've met, what they've been through, I can see why they want to be numb..
Why don't people talk about having sacred experiences with psychotropic substances, coming closer to the ultimate, having visions, like so many shamanistic practices do.
Substances done with reverence and care, can enlighten.
Love life and light, Teo