And you are the song
I sing Forever more
Every note...
Reflection of infinity
And you are the wave
I dance Forever more
Every move...
Reflection of beauty

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quote:Every move...
Reflection of beauty
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has a name by which he wished to be known. This most holy name of GOD is written in Hebrew by the letters yod hey vav hey. This four letters name is called the "Tetragramaton".Jewish tradition holds that this name is so holy that it may not be uttered. It may have been uttered once a year by the High Priest when he entered the Holy of Holies. Orthodox Jews will refer instead to Hashem ( meaning "The Name")
Karaite Jews do not hold to this tradition but follow the Torah instruction to use the name of God. See Nehemiah Gordon's book, "The Hebrew Yeshua vs the Greek Jesus." For the Christian this is worth pondering - are we as respectful as we should be to the name of our god? Remember the second commandment, "You are not to use lightly the name of YHVH your God, because YHVH will not leave unpunished someone who uses his name lightly." (Exodus 20 v7 CJB) But are we also failing in not using the name of our God at all?
These letters are yod, heh, vav and heh and sound as YHVH, or YHWH depending on which sound is used for the vav. ( vav can also be used as an "o" or "oo" sound )
The four letters are written without vowel sounds, which is common practice in Hebrew.
The pronunciation of YHVH is considered to be unknown but is believed by some to be YAHVEH (Yarvay) while others consider it to be YHWH (Yarway) . Nehemia Gordon contends that the Name should be pronounced YeHoVaH.