Originally posted by Karima:
Dear Margeritha,
I am touched...first I wrote cantate nr 17
and in this way made Teo look for that one...
Please try to listen to BWV 115, specially the
second aria....
With Love
This is all due to YOU dearest magicalest Karima!!!

Here goes.. ?? somethin'!

How to put music in your post
I looked in Google, for "bach midi" I think, and found this page:
And I tested a few songs, (since they are midi music files they are sequences that play using your computer as a synthesizer. They aren't sound files, but music, just the music.) then searched the page for 17, found the song, right-clicked and chose save link to clipboard, then went to my post and pasted the link, which looked like this:
Then I added the necessary code to make it work, making it look like this:
<bgsound src=http://www.classicalguitarmidi.com/Bach_Contrepoint_No17_BWV1080.mid autostart=true>
And it worked on my puter, I figgered, shud wrk?
Because it has the ".mid" at the end, it is a midi sequence, not every computer can play them, and -- it plays slightly differently on every computer! I for example have mine into a stereo with great sound. On a laptop.. eh? Sort of neat, from a composer point of view. Also midi files are reeeeally tiny! I was going to put the other Bach song you mentioned into THIS post but decided that I've given you enough rope to hang yourself.. he he..

OK well of course be careful - warn people that a post has sound maybe.. geez shud I? ..
Here I made 114-115 the background sound. Enjoy!
Thanks to you all for this opportunity to share! May beautiful music be with you all always. May harmony ring bright, true and loudly! May you all feel and share even more love musically.
Love n light, Teo

Harmony + thinking + linking = new media solutions
You can't force peace, only lead by example