- sleep, in which our machine still functions but at very low pressure.
- waking state, as we are at this moment.
- what is called self-consciousness. It is the moment when a man is aware both of himself and of his machine. We have it in flashes, but only in flashes. There are moments when you become aware not only of what you are doing but also of yourself doing it. You see both 'I' and the 'here' of 'I am here'--both the anger and the 'I' that is angry. Call this self-remembering, if you like.
Now when you are fully and always aware of the 'I' and what it is doing and which 'I' it is--you become conscious of yourself. Self-consciousness is the third state.
-G.I.Gurdjieff from "Views from the Real World" page 79
I believe this is what Deepak calls "self-referrential awareness."
May we all evolve joyfully to higher states of being. Amen. Love and lightbeams, Teo

Teo Barry Vincent IV Composer Performer Sound-Designer & Information Systems Support
Writings: Third Millennium Thinking, Lyrics (PDF file)
Forums: Givnology (by Teo), Unkle Bobs, IAM-Simple, CuteFamilyPets, PagenPoet, NewsForNow, Infopop, Teodor's index @ Deepak Chopras
WellBeingCreativity poems+music+images

"When we appreciate our diversity, we have abundance!"