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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Dear Susan,

It is very nice of you to share the good news with us. I am very pleased that you are feeling better.
Joining everyone in more healing prayers for you.


During the times of maladies, the bodhistavas became the best holy medicine, they make beings well and happy, and bring about their liberation.



Happy Thanksgiving to you and Billy, and all your loved ones.

Love, Inda
Okay. They wrote me out a prescription that has calmed the cough and is breaking up the congestion. Wish I had a recliner to sleep in. I still start coughing when I lay down. Even on my side. In a little while I am going to try piling some pillows up and see if that works.

It isn't really a cold after all. This new chemo causes sinus drainage and at night it was draining into my bronchial tubes. No infection or anything so I'm okay. It should all be gone in a few days.
I'm feeling better today. The medicine is breaking up the congestion and I got to sleep longer between coughing spells last night so I got some rest. The medicine makes me a bit drowsy. I'm okay as long as something really holds my interest, but let me get quiet for a few minutes and I start to nod off. lol

I told them at the doctor's office yesterday that I can handle the big things, it's this little stuff that gets me down. Had to say something to make them laugh, I looked so sick they were all looking worried about me. I don't usually drag around like that. They rushed me through the bloodwork and stuff in record time so I could get back home and go to bed. I've never seen a doctor's office that takes such great care of their patients. Not just the physical treatment, they take care of you emotionally as well. I must have won the medical staff lottery when they called Dr. Conkright in on my case.

Glad you are feeling better!

It is really heartwarming, looking in this post at all the healing energy being sent to you dear Susan!


What a wonderful blessing..



I wonder if this using Vicki's attachment worked.... please! he he..

Love and light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Far....) Cool Cool Angel Abducted Bounce CoolDance CoolDance

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

Last edited by Teo
Did we ever have a close call this week! The drowsiness from the Tessalon Perle (the cough medicine) gradually turned into depression. A rare side effect of it that I had overlooked when I read the sheet the pharmacist includes with medications. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I had NEVER felt like that in my life. It wasn't even like being sad about something. I didn't care enough about life to be sad! Fortunately, it went away when the pill wore off. No more perles for this girl. Notice, that's perles, not pearls. Laughing LOL I'm back on good old Benadryl and Robitussin! It works better anyway. I still woke up with a few coughing fits last night, but they were farther apart and I got some pretty good sleep in between. This should all be gone by the first of the week. Kylie said it would probably take about 7 days to run its course.

You know, I asked Carly and Maggie something on Chopra that applies here too. How many people are fortunate enough to find such wonderful friends online? And how would I have made it through all this without you? Hearthead
Dear Susan,

The weekend is coming, and I hope that you have a relaxing and peaceful one.

Sending you many more healing prayers and positive energy.

love, Inda

Happy people are healthier than unhappy people. It appears that happiness, which simply means having happy thoughts most of the time, causes biochemical changes in the brain that in turn have profoundly beneficial effects on the body's physiology.

Deepak Chopra
Creating Health

Thank you for that quote from Chopra, Inda. I kind of needed that particular reminder today. The bronchitis is still interfering with my sleep so I am more tired than usual and it's beginning to affect my moods. And then today I found out that we won't be able to go to Taos for Christmas after all. In a way, that might be good. There is a good chance that my chemo will be over soon and if we don't go for a couple months, that will give me some time to build up a bit more strength. So why isn't that cheering me up?
Dear Susan,

My healing prayers are surrounding you every day.

Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.

If your passion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

Every life has a measure of sorrow. Sometimes it is this that awakens us.


I still believe in the healing powers of the Blue Buddha. May the Blue Buddha have compassion, and surround you with good health.


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Dear Susan,

I am glad that some of my posts give you comfort.
Continuing to send positive, healing energy and faith.

Love, Inda

For the person whose consciousnes is such that he truly believes, there can be no failure, no suffering, no ill health, or misery. Such a person can only experience strength, peace, vitality and wholeness.

Deepak Chopra

All of the posts here give me comfort, but Inda, you do seem to have a knack for posting saying just what I need to hear at the moment. Have you been peeking inside my heart?

Yoko, I've been keeping the Blue Buddha in mind since the first time you posted that beautiful image. I even saved him over in my windows folders so I can pull him up and look when I'm not online.

Steve (Magicman) reminded me that Oil of Oregano works especially well at clearing chest congestion so I have been taking it every morning. I messed up the first time and took it at night. He's right. It does break it up. Kept me up all night long! lol I coughed my fool head off! Not even Robitussin could stop that one! But since I started using that, my coughs do seem to be farther apart.
I'm resting whenever I get tired. I've pretty much quit trying to stay on a set schedule. If my body says sleep, I do so, even if it's late enough in the evening that I know I'll probably be up late because of it. After all, I have little to no schedule these days other than doctor's appointments and chemo treatments. It does make it a bit rough on our friends, they never know when it is okay to call. lol But I'm just trying to listen to what my body needs.

Tomorrow I start another round of chemo. I'll do my big treatment tomorrow and then the small one next Wednesday. I was afraid he wouldn't send me for it this week. Not only is the bronchitis hanging on, but my white blood cells are down to2.3. Normal range is 4.8 to 10.8. But he said I could still take this one. And who knows, I think it is about time for another CATScan. Maybe this will be the last. After all, I did tell the cancer it had to be gone by the end of the year.
My chemo went well today. They had me out of there by 7pm. That's a record!

Dr. Conkright put me on Neupogen this time since I can't take Neulasta with the Cisplaitin. So my white blood cell count should be back up next time. I got a shot today and have to go back in Thursday and Friday to get shots.

They took chest x-rays today because of the bronchitis. Nancy didn't like the sound of my cough either so she pulled them up on the computer this afternoon. My lungs are clear. No fluids. So it is just bronchitis and it's getting better. And the mass is didn't show up at all. That doesn't mean it is gone. It means it is too small to be picked up on an x-ray. It will take a CATScan or an MRI to tell if it is gone completely.

Billy got me the prettiest little flower arrangement today. It's 2 red carnations, a yellow daisy, some little purple flowers, and greenery in a Christmas mug. I almost cried when the lady from the gift shop brought it up to me.

I'm tired, but I feel pretty good. And I've gotten more accepting of the change in Christmas plans. With my white blood count low, I probably don't need to be cooped up on a plane or bus right now--that is kind of inviting a virus to attack me just when I am least able to fight it off.

Suprisingly enough, with my blood counts so low, this bronchitis has not developed into a bronchial infection. It's got to be all the prayers and healing energy that everyone has been sending me.
Dear Susan,

The news is getting better. Adding my healing prayers to all the others, that you will be completely healthy very soon.

I will be back on the weekend, meanwhile get rest, and do whatever you like to do most.

Love, Inda


...The ability of intelligence to create new aspects of reality knows no limits. We are coming closer to what that Vedic sentence meant-the universe is the macrocosm, man is the microcosm. When the gap between or inner life and our outer reality is bridged, nature becomes enchanted once more. A belief in universal intelligence , to qote the teacher and writer Napoleon Hill," restore health where all else fails, in open defiance of all the rules of modern science. It heals the wounds of sorrow and disappointment regardless of their cause." Belief is an inevitable step towards self-awareness.

Deepak Chopra


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Last edited by Inda
I believe you are right, Inda. We have created our own reality here. Even with my white blood count so low, I am quite healthy. Fighting off a case of bronchitis without any sign of infection. Avoiding the colds and flu that seem to be plagueing everyone around here.

I finally figured out how to finish off my walking stick holder. Actually, billy came up with the idea and then I modified it. I have a lamp with a lampshade that is too wide at the bottom for where I want to put it. At first, we were just going to use it as the form for the top of the holder, but that would have made the opening too small. But.....if I cut it in half and redo the top as a slimmer lampshade, then the bottom half is perfect for the walking sticks. I would love to start on it tonight, but I have to take it over to Jeff's for him to cut the metal rods for me. We don't have a metal saw.
Dear Susan,
It is very good to see that you are getting better all the time. It is good that you are creating wonderful things.
Stay positive, the mind is a very powerful thing.
Buddha surrounds you with positive energy.


\Who would have thought that all things are the manifestation of the Essence of Mind.

Dear Susan,

Wishing you a happy and comfort filled weekend.
I am sure that you are creating something nice.

Sending you lots of healing and positive energy.

Love, Inda

When the attention finds something meaningful to focus on, a significant goal, it takes a step closer to creating health. A goal gives people something to live for - a project, a profession, a family - and the body responds with vitality. This sort of awareness replenishes energy. The goal-oriented person wakes up each morning ready to devote himself to the task at hand...

Deepak Chopra

Dear Susan,
when a body get sick and you want to heal it. the first thing that must be healed is mind. because when mind is ready the body follows it. u r a very brave lady and u have embrassed ur sickness and have courage to fight it. i m sure very soon u will get rid of it. it just takes some time. my prayers are always with you. May God give u happniess and joy and a heathy life for years to come.
Angel Angel2 Colors
Good morning to all you beautiful Angels! No. I'm not up this early. I'm up this late. Napping from 6 till 10 is not conducive to sleeping that night! lol

Razi! It's good to see you on here again!

Everyone, take a word of advice from my experience this week. KEEP YOUR POTASSIUM LEVELS UP! Not only does letting them get low cause extreme fatigue (which is why I haven't had much to say lately) but a potassium IV HHUURRTTSS!!!!!! They had to take it out and run it after my chemo. It only hurts in a regular IV, running it through the port was okay. But I doubt if you all are equipped with a port.

I can eat all the salt I want these days. While my body is using that gallon of water a day to flush out the chemo it also flushes out a few of the trace minerals. I was low on potassium, chloride, and sodium. HOWEVER, my white blood cells went up from 2.3 to 3.3. And I have felt much better since they gave me the potassium today. I'm also now on a daily potassium supplement so maybe I won't have to have the IV again.

Hopefully we will be able to get over to Jeff and Diane's soon so I can play with the baby and Jeff can cut those rods in the lampshade for me. I can't do anything else to the umbrella stand until that's done.

I've had so many people send me pictures of Buddha lately. Both here and on Chopra. I love them. And somehow they bring me great comfort. We are still listening to Gil's tapes. While I was feeling so bad I would just put one on before I laid down. His voice is so soothing that I slept better, and even asleep I think the messages are getting through. Billy and I both have been more serene lately.

I got some new pictures to show you all, but I forgot to get them put onto a disk. I'll take the best ones back to Walmart and get that done soon. I have a little more hair now. I don't think I lost enough for it to change color and texture. Or whatif the thin patches grow in in different colors? Oh, that could be wierd. Maybe my new life will be as a clown and I won't even have to wear a wig.
Dear Susan,
It is wonderful to see that you have so much humour left. This is a path to healing. Your hair will be beautiful, and meanwhile it gives you a chance to wear beautiful hats. You are a kind and compassionate being.


Anyone who withdraws into meditation on compassion can see Brahma with his own eyes, talk to him face to face and consult with him.



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  • brahma
I will break through the illusion of helplessness

This affirmation is about the healing intention. When you intend to accomplish something, you set things in motion within yourself. An intention to walk, for example, activates the motor centers of the brain along with balance, heart rate, blood pressure-in fact, the whole mind body system goes into walking mode. Healing works exactly the same way. Unlike walking, however, the intention to heal requires a transformation that can only be brought about by spirit, for spirit controls all energies including those in your body. When you intend to heal, you break down the illusion of helplessness. To do so, clearli visualize your intended outcome. This could be increased physical and mental capacity energy, vitality, enthusiasm for life, and a sense of connection with the creative power of the universe, joy, and love. Nurture this intended outcome in your heart. Let it incubate through meditation, and soon you will be inspired to make choices that will allow you to step out of helplessness and into a state of inner strength and power.

Deepak Chopra

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