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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
...mmmmmm ... all these temptations! I am not sure whether I will be satisfied by only looking at these cakes!? I think I am going to have an ice-cream ... while giving a last glance to the spectacular full moon before going to sleep.

Hugs and love to all of you my dear friends.

May the light of this full moon night touch your heart dear Susan and make you feel well.

Margherita Smile Hug Wave2

Smile Big Grin Bounce Yes Clap Juggle Ladysman CoolDance

Hey Eric! We're twins! And I love it!

Okay, when it started coming out I cried a little. And of course, it started while we were out having coffee with friends. But that just meant that I got lots of hugs and support. And a new hat. One of the girls sent Billy out to get me a hat so I didn't have to worry about it falling out on the table. Another friend went home and brought us a set of professional clippers.

The funniest thing happened when I started cutting it all off. I started to have fun. In fact, I gave myself a Mohawk before I cut it all off.

I actually like the way it looks. There was something so liberating about shaving my head. And it really feels good when I walk in front of the fan. The first time I did that I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I took the hair outside and scattered it through the trees so that the birds and animals that stay here through the winter can have a little extra warmth in their nests.

I like that it happened on the Full Moon. Somehow it seems appropriate.
Dear Susan, I hope the weather is perfect over there for camping, here in Italy it rains and rains and it is quite unfriendly to go out. (Well I love to feel the rain falling on me ... but camping is different!).

Wishing you a good time anyway!

I just opened the September Namaste Newsletter in my e-mail (it arrived on Sept. 11 ..) which is about Cancer-Healing. Of course I don't know if you have already received it, but just in case you have not, I share the site here ... it might be also useful to others. I have just learned that one of my cousins is fighting this battle too ... I have been on the phone with her right now, her name is Maria if you want to add her to your prayers ...

In the Namaste Newsletter, there are so many interesting hints as to how to cope with this difficult moment.

Namaste newsletter about Cancer-Healing

Sending all my love and hugs.
Margherita 2Hearts Hug


Thank you so much for the link to Namaste. I've read several of the articles already. I'm wanting to dig into the recipes, but it wouldn't pull up this morning so I will try it again later.

It's been a rough morning. I'm fine physically, but I'm a bit down in the dumps today. Life as I knew it a few weeks ago is gone for a while. I know it is only a temporary thing--the fatigue is just a side effect of the chemo. And most of the time, I am actually kind of grateful for the excuse to slow down. But sometimes, I just feel so lost. I can't work. The smallest job around the house takes forever because I have to constantly stop to rest. My mind gets fuzzy from the chemo so my memory is terrible. My bones ache from the Neulasta. I have little sores in the corner of my mouth and they hurt. And right now I am having one big pity party.

I'll be okay. I don't know what triggered this depression today. Maybe I had nightmares last night and just don't remember them. But I know this will pass. Maybe a little walk in the sunshine will help.
It's not easy to always dwell in a good positive mood, but at least you know and feel that it is temporary ...
The good blood test results have been a perfect "restorer" of the trusting mood.
I give thanks together with you for the healing process which is going to make you feel better every day.
All my love.
Margherita Hug

To make it even better, my Dad called around noon. I had just told Billy last night that I really wanted to talk to my Daddy and then, there he was.

AND, I found out today that my disability has been approved and that I will be getting SSI until March when the disability starts. The SSI means I will be getting a medical card too.

Has this been a day, or what?
Well, dear Susan, this IS a spectacular masterwork! I had seen it on your thread "Random Thoughts" on chopra boards, but somehow here with the blue frame it results even more magnificent. Evviva Pilar Teijeira, Cuban artist ... see here:
art gallery
These sunflowers are alive! Simply soul touching!
Thank you for sharing it here too, Susan!
Love and hugs.
Margherita 2Hearts

and this is "The Angel" by Cuban artist Gilberto Marino (displayed also in the site above) ... read about the poster created by Maribel & Giorgos Spiropoulos for the American Cancer Society in honor of "The Most Dynamic Women" -

Do you see how everything is interconnected?
We have had another wonderful weekend. This time because Judah spent the night with us last night. It was the first time I have been able to keep him since before I went into the hospital, so you know Billy and I were tickled.

He is in school now and I can hear a world of difference in how he speaks. He was a little behind the norm in that area due to a lot of ear infections in the first couple years of his life. Not any more! That child is talking a blue streak these days.

We had a great afternoon. We got an impromptu look at a fire truck. It was in the parking lot of a local store so we stopped to look at it. And I could even tell him what things were since everything was labeled. That made Grandma look really good.

We went to the park and he chased the ducks and geese for a while, then we went to the playground and let him run loose. I sat on the bench. Grandma wasn't up to climbing with him today.

I talked to his Daddy a few days ago. Louis is doing well, but is lonely for letters. He asked if I would post his address on here in the hopes that someone would like a pen pal.

Louis Loeb #166940
EKCC 6-CU-15

He shaved his head!!!!!!! He said if my hair fell out he was going to, and he did. When I wrote and told him my hair was falling out and I had gone ahead and shaved it, I told him he didn't need to shave his since it hadn't upset me like everyone thought it would. He did it anyway. I want a picture of him!

I'm still trying to figure out how to lose some of this weight legally. I'm not allowed to diet! So, I guess I will just gradually increase the amount of exercise I get each day. I wouldn't mind the steroids making me gain except that I was overweight to begin with. My doctor is tickled pink that I am gaining, but he doesn't have to carry it around! Oh well, they say nobody ever died from cancer while they were gaining weight.

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