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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Okay, we are going to see if three is truly a charm. I started this post twice yesterday. The first time something came up and I had to log off. So I started it again last night after I got ready for bed. And before I could finish, the words started running together. I guess I waited too late.

Angel Angel2 Colors Angel2 Angel

You all have posted such beautiful things in here this week. Things have been pretty busy lately that I haven't had much time, but I loved reading them and seeing the beautiful images.

Thank you so much for all your prayers. They have carried me through all these months and now we are so close to the end of this journey.

I finished my radiation Tuesday and started weaning off the steroids. I am down to 2 mg a day. One half of a tablet. My handwriting is actually readable! It can still stand some improvement, but I don't shake as badly as I did for a while there. Maybe now I can write Louis a letter.

We leave tonight for St. Louis. Our flight for Taos leaves out of there at six in the morning. I have to get us all packed up today and tie up our loose ends.

Well, I am ging to get out of here and take a quick nap. Then we can get started on getting ready to fo.

Talk to you all later.
Dear Susan,

Thank you for sharing everything with us, and the news is getting much better. Clap

Have wonderful trip, and a safe journey.
We'll see you when you get back.

Love, Inda

Research on spontaneous cures of cancer, conducted in both the United States and Japan, has shown that just before the cure appears, almost every patient experiences a dramatic shift in awareness. He knows that he will be healed, and he feels that the force responsible is inside himself but not limited to him - it extends beyond his personal boundaries, throughout all of nature. Suddenly he feels, "I am not limited to my body. All that exists around me is part of myself." At that moment, such patients jump into a new level of consciousness that prohibits the existence of cancer. Then the cancer cells either disappear, literally overnight in some cases, or at the very least stabilize without damaging the body any further.

Deepak Chopra
Quantum Healing

Last edited by Inda
Dear Susan,
by this time you surely are already at your destination among your loved ones. Enjoy your trip and while doing so, recover your strength. Break through your tough experience, like a Spring flower breaks through the cover of snow. BLOOM and spread your new fragrance of wellbeing and joy.

May the Angels accompany you.

Love and hugs.
Margherita Hug 2Hearts

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