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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Not supposing one thing or another I ask you to step aside with me and dance on a beam of light. Free from all things known & unknown, just "BEING" the LightBeing you are. Forget the past, don't think about tomorrow. Be here NOW ] feel the LIGHT FILL YOU UP beaming outward carry away all ideas/knowledge of illness. All discomfort & pain gone. Any dissatisfaction dispelled & obliterated.
There before you a window, clearly seen, perhaps unseen to others, step forward and walk through this quantum field of probability, emerge SUSAN! on the other side free of all things left behind! You can be reborn here & now, forgetting all "sins*" against you & by you. Arise beloved child of the UNIVERSE you are free from past programing! Truly born again!
Healing thoughts & Beams of Love Ying
Stranger, welcome to Givnology. This is one of my favorite places in the entire world. And from the posts of yours that I have read on Chopra I think you will love it here too.

I would be delighted to dance with you. There is a whole universe of stars to dance between.

If I have sounded less than hopeful in my recent posts, you can chalk it up to illness. I went for a month unable to eat enough to sustain any kind of energy and it had begun to tell on me. They changed my medication and it's amazing what a couple days of being able to eat can do. LOL My body hasn't had time to completely recover, but my brain is a lot clearer again.

Thank you so much for reminding me of my potential for healing. Your words came at a much needed moment.
Dear Susan,
I have been here once before when this board was born under another name. I forget my first password, it was almost 2 years ago and a lot of water has passed under the bridge.
I may as well say it now, my past user name here & on Chopra was SusanB. I was locked out of Chopra for changing my email address and frankly, I no longer felt welcome there by some, who seemed to follow me about and tare whatever I said apart, so the stranger was born (a take off the "B" my middle name).
I faintly recall you returning just about the same time I left.

Susan, I have been at deaths door a number of times and have stepped through the "window" I ask you to do. I know for some people words are just words, nothing more, however, to be frank w/ you I am not one to waste energy on mere words for the sake of such. I believe in miracles and have seen a number in this life. I hope if there is anything I can do for you you will feel free to ask, and if at any point you find yourself traveling out of your body, call my name, I will meet you there. There we can free ourselves from the physical, even for a moment,there we can plug into the unending energy of the Universe, a place where the seeds of change are sown.

Love, SBK aka (the stranger).
Sending my healing prayers dear Susan.

Lillith and Cole are beautiful.
Thank you for sharing their picture.

If you can remember me and nothing else, I will bring full security to you and I will personally take care of your needs.

Bhagavad Gita

It is very nice to see you back here SusanB.
Last edited by Inda
Susan B. So we finally meet. When I came back on the boards this time I think a lot of people mistook me for you for a little while. I know there are several people on Chopra these days that seem to just be there in order to stir up arguments. Mostly, I just ignore them. I've developed a little circle of friends there and the rest of them can play their little games.

Here I don't have to worry about that at all. I come on this site and only find love. We may not be many, but we are strong.

One of the things I really miss these days is the out of body experiences I used to have. It seems that drugs and spiritual flight don't mix too well. But the cancer treatment is almost over and soon I won't need these drugs anymore. And I know I will fly again so I'll see you there. Until then, I am very glad that you have rejoined us here.
If you can remember me and nothing else, I will bring full security to you and I will personally take care of your needs.

Susan, that is so beautiful and such a perfect quote for the past 7 months. I have not been so thoroughly cared for, physically, emotionally, and spiritually in more years than I can remember. And I'm not saying the rest of my life I was neglected, because that's not true. But I have had blessings showered on my through this bout with cancer that just boggle the mind. Maybe that was why the Universe gave me this experience, to open the door for all those blessings in such a way that I could never doubt again.
Dear Susan,

My healing prayers are with you.

Love, Inda

New Day

A new day
Dawns Behold
The rising sun
And the promise that it holds.
All within a day.

A day unfolds
A promise is made.
A promise is kept.
A promise is broken.
To again rise anew
And peace?
A choice
We must constantly choose.

A day ends
The setting sun.
Make a new promise.

Let hope rise as the day
Turns to dusk-
And know
That peace prevails
With the promise of each
New day.

Eric P. McCarty

Morning Prayer

May you wake up in the
A song of love within
Your heart,
And begin the day with
This knowledge:
God is present from the
May the sun shine brightly
Upon your day,
As suns are often known to do,
And if it rains
It rains,
The sun won't mind;
Beneath the cloud it still
Shines brightly
Just for you.

Eric P. McCarty
Last edited by Inda

Those beautiful words by Eric are a gift indeed.

Welcome back dear SusanB, wise and beautiful soul!

I have come in just to remind you of the truth that we are always connected in love and prayers.

May we be able to feel the peace within, even in times of stormy weather.

Love and hugs.
Margherita 2Hearts

Let us feel like peaceful lakes ...
Last edited by Margherita
Margherita, that lake is so beautiful. I just sat here for a few minutes watching the sun sparkle on the water.

Jene has posted some beautiful pictures she has taken lately and one of them is a lake that took my breath away. It seems the perfect compliment to this beautiful lake you just posted, so I'm going to take the liberty of posting it over here.


Images (1)
  • whidbey_island
Good morning dear Susan,

Sending you prayers of healing and comfort.

I enjoyed reading Eric's poetry again, and I love Margherita's pictures. This is a beautiful morning indeed.

vicky 2Hearts

Morning Prayer

May you wake up in the
A song of love within
Your heart,
And begin the day with
This knowledge:
God is present from the
May the sun shine brightly
Upon your day,
As suns are often known to do,
And if it rains
It rains,
The sun won't mind;
Beneath the cloud it still
Shines brightly
Just for you.

Eric P. McCarty


Images (1)
  • lightpainting
Dear Susan,
Adding my prayers for you this morning.
May this day be a good one for you.

It is nice to read Eric's poems again.
I am fortunate to have his books.

Your pictures are lovely Margherita.


New Day

A new day
Dawns Behold
The rising sun
And the promise that it holds.
All within a day.

A day unfolds
A promise is made.
A promise is kept.
A promise is broken.
To again rise anew
And peace?
A choice
We must constantly choose.

A day ends
The setting sun.
Make a new promise.

Let hope rise as the day
Turns to dusk-
And know
That peace prevails
With the promise of each
New day.

Eric P. McCarty


Images (1)
  • hawaiisky
Last edited by Sue 1
Eric's poetry can make the sun shine on the cloudiest day. Not only do I love him as a poet, but I have always felt trully blessed by his friendship. It alone is a form of sunshine in my life.

Come to think of it, my life is blessed with sunshine everywhere I go these days. This is an entire webslite of sunshine in my life. You all warm my heart every time I come in here.

And in my life, clouds are no longer bad things. Sometimes the Universe speaks to me through the clouds. They have prepared me for changes that were about to come into my life so that they didn't devastate me like they could have. They have made me laugh when things were going well. Have you ever seen baby dragons playing in the sky? Believe me, that one always gets a laugh from me. Or the day I saw a napping dragon. He was so cute.
Dear Susan,

I am happy that Eric's poems gave you joy.
I will find some more when I have a little time.

Keeping you in my prayers.

Love, Inda

Just as light brightens darkness,
discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort.
This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony
in everything you do.

Deepak Chopra

Here is a napping dragon Asian Snoring


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  • sleeping_dragon[1]
Last edited by Inda
Dear Susan,

Continuing my healing prayers for you.
Soon you will be on your trip. My positive thoughts
will go with you.

Love, Inda

Each Moment

Each moment
With every possibility.

And choice is the breath
That feeds life to each

You Are Alive
With the very breath of life.

Now choose which direction
This holy wind will blow.

Eric P. McCarty


Images (1)
  • treeoflife1

Life and Such

Drives me frightened
To the edge.

With rough hands that seem cruel
And unknown to mercy-
Pushes me
Past the edge

With the very same hands,
Catches me-
And teaches me
To fly.

Eric P. McCarty

The Leap

A moment of grace
Lies before
Each and every Step-
When all of time is poised
For that one great

Those who dare...take the plunge
And are born anew upon
The wings of their faith-

And fly to heights
Yet untold
Within the mind of man.
But known forever
Within the heart of

Eric P. McCarty

Last edited by Inda

For You

Every moment speaks to you
From spirit.
And the universe will
Her secrets in your ear.
Every love song ever played
Is Played For
Dance, and the universe dances
With you.
Every poem ever written
Contains a hidden
Search for this
Search for this truth
And the Universe will unfold
Before you.
Beneath the eyes of every stranger
Shines the light of your
Best friend.
Embrace them,
And the Universe will cradle
You in Her arms.

Eric P. McCarty

Last edited by Inda
Dear Susan,

My prayers are with you.

This is beautiful poetry. I also enjoy reading it.


Spring has its hundred flowers,
Autumn its moon,
Summer has its cooling breezes,
Winter its snow.
If you allow no idle concerns
To weight on your heart,
Your whole life will be one
Perennial good season.

- The Golden Age of Zen


Images (1)
  • mountfujiama
Last edited by yoko
Yoko, the words and images you have posted for me never fail to touch my heart. They are always so full of beauty. I know you must be a truly beautiful person. You have certainly been a blessing in my life.

This has been one of my favorites since you first posted it for me. I come back here and look at it quite often. It's like I can feel healing emanate from it.


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Dear Susan,

Thinking of you and sending you positive healing energy.

yoko's message is beautiful,
and so are her images.

Have a good Sunday.

Love, Inda


Be This Day-
As dreams
Unfold Anew.
A gift of love upon
This life-
The Dawn

Eric. P. McCarty

A Touch

A single
From the arms
And light becomes the day.
A whisper soft-caught beneath
My tumbled thoughts-
As silence
And this becomes
The Dawn.

Eric P. McCarty

Last edited by Inda
Dear Susan,

Here is one more poem.
I have always liked this one as well.

The abyss

And I stood upon
The ridge-
The abyss stretching endlessly
And I knew that I could not yet fly
With such weight upon
My heart.
Lead to the soul that yearns
For gold.
Tears formed and fell-
As violent as a summer storm,
And just as brief...the storm subdued.
So I stood upon
The ridge-
The abyss stretching endlessly
And I knew that I could not yet fly
With such weight upon
My heart.
So I gave my heart to love,
To God-
I leapt...and I flew.

Eric P. McCarty

Have a nice Sunday.
My prayers are with you.

Love, Inda


Images (1)
  • birdmoon
Last edited by Inda
Dear ((((((Susan))))), it is always a pleasure to come in here on this very special thread, to feel the warmth, the love, the beauty that fills it. Accompanying you through this tough time is an experience of high spiritual value. The connection is so strong indeed.
I have in this moment an image of rebirth, after illness, as if you were immersed in healing waters and emerge in full health from these waters to be touched by the warm sunlight.
Giving grace for your healing.
All my love and big hugs.
Margherita Hug Smile Kiss 2Hearts

Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
Thank you so much, all of you. all this beautiful poetry and images have helped so much this week. It took me a few days to completely reccover from that spike in my blood pressure Saturday, I didn't get to feeling really good until Wednesday. Saturday was the only real bad day, as soon as I dropped that third steroid dose the symptoms began to ease off, but I was still tired and irritable for a few days. Coming in hear and reading the past few days posts calmed a lot of the irratablity. They would give me a little while of calmness. So I came back and read them several times. As always you all are my Angels.
Dear Susan,
I am glad that you are feeling better.

Continuing to pray for your quick recovery to perfect health.


All that's visible springs from causes intimate to you.
While walking, sitting, lying down, the body itself is complete truth.
If someone asks the inner meaning of this:
"Inside the treasury of the dharma eye a single grain of dust."

- Dogen, 1200 - 1253
Last edited by yoko
Dear Susan,

Nice to see you back here. I am glad that you are healing.

My prayers are always with you.

Love, Inda

In each of us, God is functioning through our physical body, and this is why we have to love the physical body and take care of it. This body is actually the temple of the holy spirit that is within us.

Nana Veary
Last edited by Inda
Originally posted by dear losgann:
Thank you so much, all of you....

....As always you all are my Angels.

Mine too!



It is a blessing coming back into this post topic. Wow, the healing loving energy! 2Hearts Hug 2Hearts


Continuing to send love and prayers to you and all concerned dear Susan. May the healing happen just right. And so it is. Amen.

Love and ***LIGHT*** *** ***BEING***, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, So, LaaAAA!) Violin Doggy Dancers Beethoven Hula CoolDance CoolDance

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

Sending positive prayers dear Susan.
May you be surrounded with healing light.

Love, Inda

Pay attention to that unchanging part of yourself.
It is perfect.
At the source of life, and only there,
one finds peace, harmony,
and the undisturbed contentment of bliss.

Deepak Chopra

Relaxation is the prerequisite
for that inner expansion that allows a person
to express the source of inspiration and joy within.

Deepak Chopra

When the human organism
is discharging its negative experience efficiently,
the mind is empty of past or future concerns;
there is no worry, anticipation, or regret.
This means that the mind is left open to Being,
the simplest state of awareness.

Deepak Chopra

Last edited by Inda

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