Happiness is just an attitude, a way of perceiving things. You can go to the richest parts of the world and find misery. Equally, you can go to the poorest parts and find people who are happy. True happiness is not dependent upon anything or anyone, and the same is true of unhappiness. You choose to be happy or sad - no one makes you that way. Even if someone is really negative toward you, you still have a choice in how you react.
Only you have the power to make yourself happy or sad. If you understand this, you will also understand that, once you find true happiness, no one can take it away from you. Living the life of your dreams means owning the kind of happiness that is totally independent of anyone or anything. It can be found by anyone - anywhere - and from any background.
-from the book: Dreams, by Andy Baggott, page 83
Love and light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa...)
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