Dr. Deepak Chopra's heavenly discussion forums
http://www.IAM-Simple.com Wise ones are here.. - 1 2 beam up!
http://artistforums.net/6/ubb.x? Poets, Artists & Macromedia software forums
http://abw.infopop.cc/6/ubb.x?a=cfrm&s=548608979 A Best Web! Affiliate programs
StatsUsa.com Plenty Statistics!
News For Now cool 3D Graphics and MacroMedia Flash info!
MiCantina.com ¡en Ethpaniolé!
CuteFamilyPets.com "Oh! Sooo cute!"
UnkleBobsDiner! Great techie info and Fun!
http://www.TheHullTruth.com Boating forums
http://www.ubbdesign.com Great InfoPop UBB (UltimateBulletinBoard) programmers. Seuuuuuper hi tech!
InfoPop Community Forums I just LOOOVE these guys!
InfoPop's UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Board) site lis ting great place I surf for fun boards, Category I listed Givnology
Linking, listing, have you heard of BLOGS? Web-Logs lists of sites.. I'm still waiting for a HOT-LINKS.com or som ething to help me manage my ?? links!!! Any suggestions hair?
May all your waves be perfect, may you "hang 10" in your internet surfing! he he..
Love life n light, Teo

[This message was edited by Teo Barry Vincent on Saturday July 26th, 2003 at 09:17 PM.]
[This message was edited by Teo Barry Vincent IV on Tuesday September 30th, 2003 at 10:53 AM.]