Yea! Finally an a-kicking, murder and mayhem movie star I can get behind! Terminate those renegades destroying life for us human machines! he he.. Total Recall our state's health and give us the air they hoarded from us like you did on Mars.
If we have a Republican Governing, perhaps king George and them will go easier on us than they did Grey Davis.
The demhypocrats support the bloodthirsty oil and bomb special interests. We need more biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger's against the anti-american anti-life elements. (Unless Larry Flynt is on the ballot, now that is a person who entertains the people.. he he)
I love thinking how the political cartoonists will make Arnold Schwarzenegger like with bazookas blasting poverty or whatever.. Won't it be a fun image, a Terminator "cleaning up the capital." he he..
Go Governator go! Lovebeams, Teo
You can't force peace, only show it.
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